The Universitat de València, second public university in Spanish championships medal table

  • Sports Service
  • December 20th, 2017
Award-winning athletes in Gala de l’Esport of the Universitat de València in 2017.
Award-winning athletes in Gala de l’Esport of the Universitat de València in 2017.

The Universitat de València has been in 2017 the second public university in Spanish Championship medal table (CEU) and the first in participation, according to data collected in the activities report of the Sports Council (CSD), which is produced annually by the General Directorate of Sports of the Ministry, and which was presented last 13 December, in the plenary session of the Spanish Committee of University Sports (CEDU), held in Córdoba, during the National Conference on University Sports.

In 2017, the Universitat de València obtained 55 national medals: 18 in the male category (2 golds, 5 silver and 11 bronzes); 29 in the female one (3 golds, 13 silver and 13 bronzes); and 8 in team category (2 golds, 4 silvers and 2 bronzes). Only the Polytechnic University of Madrid was ahead with an absolute of 57. Among the private universities, the Catholic San Antonio of Murcia obtained the first place with a total of 212 medals.

The medal table of the rest of the Valencian universities was awarded with 14 awards for the Miguel Hernández University of Elche, 13 for the Universitat de Alacant, 10 for the Universitat Politècnica de Valencia, 5 for the Catholic University of Valencia and 4 for the Jaume I of Castelló.

Regarding sports participation, the Universitat de València was the first of all Spanish universities, public and private, with 311 people, of whom 172 were men and 138 women. It is followed by San Antonio Catholic University with 237 and Granada with 201.

Of the total number of participants, the Universitat de València was represented by 262 athletes: 131 men y 131 women. These figures correspond to the commitment of the Physical Education and Sports Service for equal opportunities in university sports.

In addition, the Universitat de València was organizing headquarters of two Spanish Championships: Orienteering, from 15 to 17 May in Titaguas; and Sailing, held from 10 to 12 May in the Real Club Náutico de Calpe.

The overall participation in the Spanish University Championships was 4,140 people, of which more than 3,000 athletes competed in the 25 championships held.

With regard to European championships, the Universitat de València participated in women’s handball chamionship, held from 3 to 8 July in Antequera (Malaga), where it achieves the seventh position beating the University of Malaga. It also participated in rugby, from 20 to 23 July in Milan (Italy), obtaining another seventh place. In seven-a-side football it achieved the silver against The University of Montpellier (France) in the championship organised by the University of Porto (Portugal), from 23 to 30 July. In judo, the University obtained bronze with Maitane herrero at -57 kilos; and in the same weight, another fifth position; the male kata team got a bronze; and Javier Chicote Zafra obtained the gold in the men's category -68 kilos of taekwondo. The three sports were held in Coimbra (Portugal.)