The Universitat de València shows the exhibitions about traditional celebrations and valencian cultural heritage in Requena and Ademuz

  • August 12th, 2017
Imagen de la noticia

The Universitat de València shows the exhibitions about traditional celebrations and valencian cultural heritage in Requena and Ademuz. During August and the first days of September both exhibitions can be visited. The initiative arise from the Office of the Vice-Principal for Territorial Projection and Participation of the Universitat de València.

Jorge Hermosilla- Vice-Principal for Territorial Projection and Participation, Mario Sánchez- mayor of Requena and Juan Martínez- director of the Chiva’s Caixa Popular office attended the opening ceremony in the capital of the Meseta Utiel-Requena. Those who are interested can visit the exhibition ‘Traditional Celebrations in the Valencian territory’ in the Requena’s main Museum until 3rd September.

This exhibition aims to bring our festive heritage closer to the local valencian society trough explicative texts, maps and graphic material that different town halls, institutions and associations have transferred. The texts that accompany the 34 boards have been prepared by the technical team of the Support Unit of this Office of the vice-principal. They are based on the 4 volumes of the publication ‘Calendario de fiestas de la Comunidad Valenciana’ (Holiday Calendar in the Valencian Community), a project directed by Antonio Ariño and Vicente L. Salavert (Universitat de València).

On the other hand, the exhibition ‘El Patrimonio Cultural Valenciano’ (The valencian festive heritage) is showed at the Molino de la Villa in Ademuz from 28th Friday to 5th September. The aim of this exhibition is to bring the residents of the Rincón de Ademuz closer to the broad and rich cultural, artistic, sociological, landscape and historical heritage of the Valencian Community. The exhibition, that takes the publication ‘Atlas del patrimonio cultural valenciano’ (Atlas of the valencian cultural heritage) as a starting point, is formed of 36 boards which present matters such as the Palaeolithic Period, the military architecture, the art or the landscapes among other patrimonial expressions. More than twenty history, archaeology, sociology, geography and art specialists from the Universitat de València have participated in its production.

Both exhibitions are born thanks to the initiative of the Office of the Vice-Principal for Territorial Projection and Participation of the Universitat de València and have become real thanks to the sponsorship of Caixa Popular and the General Direction for Culture and Heritage of the Counsellor of Education, Research, Culture and Sport. These exhibitions are the result of collaborative work and the cooperation with local authorities. Both collections will go across the Valencian regions with the purpose of bringing the festive and cultural heritage closer to citizens. In particular, the exhibition about the traditional celebrations will be shown in Ontinyent, Gandía, Benetússer, Buñol, Algemesí, Canals, Paterna, l’Eliana and Bétera. The exhibition related to the cultural heritage will be shown at Gandia, Llíria, Requena, Anna, Xàtiva, Sagunt, Torrent, Ayora and Alzira among others.