The Universitat de València and the Valencian Bureau of Tourism present the exhibition ‘Valencian landscapes: touristic territory’

  • July 13th, 2017
Paisatges Valencians

The Universitat de València and the Valencian Bureau of Tourism present the exhibition ‘Valencian landscapes: touristic territory’ at the Centre del Carme, Cultura Contemporània. The inauguration will be at 19:00. The exhibition, which can be visited until 24 September, presents the intimate and personal view of the photographers Miguel Lorenzo, Miquel Francés, Pep Pelechà and Adela Cortijo about the Valencian landscapes.

The opening ceremony will be chaired by the Autonomic Secretary of Tourism, Francesc Colomer; the Vice-Principal for Territorial Projection and Participation, Jorge Hermosilla and the Director of the Committee of Museums of the Valencian Community, José Luis Pérez Pont.

The exhibition ‘Valencian landscapes: touristic territory’ has been curated by the professors of the Universitat de València Ester Alba (Department of Art History), Emilio Iranzo (Department of  Geography) and Adela Cortijo (French and Italian Philology). The exhibition presents the intimate and personal view of four photographers about the Valencian landscapes: Miguel Lorenzo, Miquel Francés, Pep Pelechà and Adela Cortijo.

These photographers have captured through their lens the beauty of the Valencian landscapes from Montgó to Hoces del Cabriel, including l’Albufera or Columbretes. Symbolic locations from north to south and from east to west of the Valencian Community have been captured and reproduced in this exhibition that aims to contribute to the value enhancement of the Valencian touristic landscapes.

The Dean of the Faculty of Geography and History, Ester Alba, has explained that this exhibition is ‘a travel through the symbolic and valuable Valencian landscapes that contribute to the appreciation of the territory’. She has underlined that photographs focus in some landscape’s values such as their beauty, singularity, diversity and their material, natural, aesthetical, inherited... richness. ‘This characteristics form our identity as a territory and are our letter of introduction to the visitors’, has affirmed the curator.

This exhibition has been organised by the Office of the Vice-Principal for Territorial Projection and Participation and the Valencian Bureau of Tourism within the project ‘Valencian touristic landscapes, valuable and appreciated’, which is the result of the collaboration agreement between the Valencian Bureau of Tourism and the Universitat de València. The autonomous secretary Francesc Colomer has highlighted that ‘landscapes are the guiding principle of our touristic tale’ as well as ‘they are the great incubator of the more honest and believable touristic products that we can offer to the world’. The Vice-Principal Hermosilla has highlighted the importance of the institutional collaboration in a project that stands up for ‘an innovative tourism project whose point of departure is a type of the cultural heritage which is common for the Valencian people, the historic landscapes’.

The Director of the Committee of Museums of the Valencian Community, José Luis Pérez Pont, has affirmed that ‘the Committee of Museums takes part in this project together with the Universitat de València and the Tourism Department since we consider that this initiative is really useful to transfer the heritage richness of this Community. This is an initiative which taught us to look and admire our territory through art. The contemporary art can contribute to show a modern image in line with our diversity and dynamism. This is especially true for this place, the Centre del Carme, which during this summer months becomes a centre of touristic attractions for both national and international visitors’.