The Universitat organises a congress on the occasion of the centenaries of Llull, Cervantes and Shakespeare

  • October 28th, 2016
Llull, Cervantes i Shakespeare

The Faculty of Language Studies, Translation and Communication of the Universitat de València organises, from 2 to 4 November, an international scientific congress on the occasion of the 4th centenary of the death of Cervantes and Shakespeare, and the 7th centenary of the death of Ramon Llull. The central topic of the congress will be ‘Literary images of insanity: Llull-Cervantes-Shakespeare’.

From this point on, the scientific congress will deal with other thematic lines, such as the literary images of insanity in universal literature; Ramon Llull and the great wisdom of insanity: connections between theology, mystic and literature; insanity, parody and social criticism in the Cervantes’ novel and in the European novel; the transformation on scene and the influence of the Shakespearian mad characters; the representations of insanity in fiction and poetry from Antiquity through the ‘mad wise’, the ‘great talkers of truths’ and the ‘real lunatics’; the representations of insanity in the classic theatre through the ‘stulti’, the ‘insani’, the ‘dementi’ and other lunatics and deprived people; Llull, Cervantes and Shakespeare as challenges in the translation of insanity; the fictional, poetic and theatre reflections of the carnival world view; the treatment of insanity related to the works of these authors, to audiovisual discourses and the media; and metaphors and allegories of insanity in literature.

The congress, which will be held in the Faculty of Language Studies, Translation and Communication, counts on the collaboration of the vice-principals for Culture and Equality, and of the Degree studies and the Language Policy Service of the Universitat de València, and the General Directorate of the Language Policy Service of the Valencian Government.

For more information and detailed programme