The Universitat strengthens its relationship with the Russian university system

  • Office of the Principal
  • April 8th, 2019
Imagen de la noticia

Today, the Principal of the Universitat de València, Mª Vicenta Mestre, has been received by the management of the ‘Fundación Mundo Ruso’ in a work meeting to deepen the relationship between the Universitat de València and this foundation, through which the collaboration with Russian universities and research centres will be opened.

Last Friday, the 5th of April, the Universitat de València inaugurated its Russian Centre. This is the second centre from the ‘Fundación Mundo Ruso’ in Spain, after the one in the University of Granada. For the moment, there are no plans to open new centres in Spain.

The ‘Fundación Mundo Ruso’ with which the Universitat de València has signed an agreement of collaboration, is a public centre, the same way that the ‘Instituto Cervantes’ in the case of Spain or the ‘Instituto Confucio’ in the case of China. It was created to defend the knowledge, the Russian language and culture teaching in the world and, at the same time, to help stablish and consolidate relations with educational and research institutions all around the world.

The Universitat de València has signed a collaborative agreement with the ‘Fundación Mundo Ruso’ which allows, not only the creation of the Russian Centre in the Universitat de València, but also the access to data bases and digital libraries of the Russian Federation and, at the same time, provides a bridge with all the universities in the Russian university system and with all its research centres.

After the inauguration of the Russian Centre in the Universitat de València, and attending to the invitation from last June of 2018, the Principal of the Universitat, Mª Vicenta Mestre, the Vice-Pincipal for Internationalization and Cooperation, Carles Padilla and the professor Olga Pirozhenko have participated today in a meeting with the managers of the foundation, in particular with the Executive Director Vladimir Kochin, the responsible for the Russian Centres, Nikolai Serguechev and the Technical Secretary, Sergei Skriabin, who received them in the headquarters of the foundation in Moscow.

The executive director of the ‘Fundación Mundo Ruso’, Vladimir Kochin, has highlighted the importance that for them has to count on a benchmark university of the Spanish university system as allied, as is the case of the Universitat de València.

For its part, the Principal, Mª Vicenta Mestre, has remarked the strategic value of this agreement, which will allow to strengthen relations with the ‘Fundación Mundo Ruso’ and to provide a bridge with the Russian university system, with whom the Universitat de València maintains collaborative agreements in the field of teaching and research.