The University offers 480 scholarships for training in entrepreneurship, sponsored by Santander Universities.

  • Office of the Vice-principal for Employment and Entrepreneurship
  • March 30th, 2021

The Office of the Vice-Principal for Employment and Training Services, through the Entrepreneurship Unit of the University of Valencia (UVemprén), presents a new edition of UVemprén Campus, the training in programme in entrepreneurship for all levels that this year has 480 scholarships for students and graduates of the University of Valencia in the initial and intermediate levels.

This training will be developed during 2021 and will include courses covering different aspects of entrepreneurship, such as creativity, marketing, finances, the search for investors or sustainable entrepreneurship, among others. The courses will be taught by lecturers from the University of Valencia and also by experts from different business fields.

UVemprén courses are divided into three levels. The initial level is aimed at students interested in entrepreneurship, but who do not yet have a defined project. The courses at this level are between 4 and 6 hours, to be held in one or two days. The first course will be the 2nd edition of ‘Entrepreneurship in the Donuts Economy’, which will be given by Pau Sendra, lecturer in the Department of Business Administration, on 28 April.

Intermediate level training is addressed to students and graduates of the University of Valencia with a project to develop. This training will provide them the necessary skills and competences to carry it out. This is precisely the aim of the 2nd edition of the ‘Innovative Entrepreneurship Techniques Certificate’, whose deadline for registration will be open until 26 April.

Finally, for expert-level training, 20 scholarships will be awarded to cover tuition fees for the ‘University Expert in Startup Management’, which is targeted at those interested in learning entrepreneurship and in promoting a business idea or an innovative project.

These scholarships are financed thanks to the collaboration agreement signed with Santander Bank to promote the UVemprén-Santander Universities Campus. The grants will exempt all beneficiaries from paying the course fees. They will also be able to obtain a certificate accrediting the training received.