The University of Valencia hosts the University Debate League focused on sustainability in tourism

  • Information and Promotion Service for Students - Blasco Ibáñez
  • March 29th, 2023
A moment of the final of the University Debate League 2023 / UV
A moment of the final of the University Debate League 2023 / UV

The La Nau Cultural Center has hosted the final phase of the University Debate League 2023 of the Vives Network in which around 70 students from 12 universities of the Valencian Country, Catalonia and the Balearic Islands have defended their position "for" and "against" on a current issue: "Is tourism sustainable? After three intense days of debates, from March 27 to 29, the team from the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona won the competition and the team from the Universitat Pompeu Fabra was runner-up. Domink Andras, from the Autonomous University of Barcelona, was named best speaker of the League.

The award ceremony, held on March 29th, was attended by Pilar Ezpeleta, general director of Universities of the Valencian Generality; Manuel González, Student Delegate of the UV; Carles Padilla, vice-rector of Internationalization and Multilingualism of the UV; and was conducted by Ignasi Casadesús, executive secretary of the Xarxa Vives d'Universitats.

The UV Student Representative, Manuel González, thanked the Xarxa Vives for organizing the League at the University of Valencia as well as the Information and Promotion Service, an activity that has been done "with good work and a lot of enthusiasm". But, especially, Gonzalez highlighted the work done by all the participating students, of which he emphasized that "in these times it is not usual to find argumentative debates that move one's own thoughts".

For her part, the general director of Universities, Pilar Ezpeleta, pointed out how the Debate League promotes "citizenship awareness among young people" and "the culture of constructive work". According to Ezpeleta, this activity of the Xarxa Vives d'Universitats achieves "to connect territories and cultures", "to empower young people" and "to involve in a significant way through the formation of informed opinions".

Finally, the vice-rector of Internationalization and Multilingualism, Carles Padilla, described the League as "a meeting to exchange experiences and knowledge" that for six days has filled the University of Valencia with exciting debates and dialogues between university students who share the same language.

In the 2023 edition, the team from the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, made up of students Pau Hernández del Àguila, Rocío Albert Zayas and Dominik Andras, was declared the winner of the competition. The jury of the competition, made up of professionals from the fields of culture, education and journalism, evaluated each debate according to the quality of the interventions and the soundness of the arguments, as well as the level of mastery of the topic, the communicative fluency of the participants and the staging.

In the 2023 edition, the team from the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, made up of students Pau Hernández del Àguila, Rocío Albert Zayas and Dominik Andras, was declared the winner of the competition. The jury of the competition, made up of professionals from the fields of culture, education and journalism, evaluated each debate according to the quality of the interventions and the soundness of the arguments, as well as the level of mastery of the topic, the communicative fluency of the participants and the staging.

The University of Valencia at the 2023 Debate Leagues

The team of the University of Valencia, which has played the semifinal against the Pompeu Fabra University, has shown a great level throughout the competition. It is formed by Tomàs Atanes Arnal, Alba Martínez Albelda i Silvia Ors Diéguez, all three students of the double degree in Law and Political Science and Public Administration; María Vila Soriano, student of the double degree in Law and Economics; and Clara Chiner Renales, estudent of the double degree in Sociology and Political Science and Public Administration. In order to prepare the team, has had Gonçal López-Pampló, professor of the Departament of Catalan Philology of the UV.

The University of Valencia has been the venue of the final stages of the University Debate League and the Secondary and High School Debate League, an annual event in which university and pre-university students from Valencia, Catalonia and Andorra participate.

The University Debate League is a dialogue competition between teams of university students who debate on a controversial and current topic. Since 2005, the competition has been promoting the use of words and skills such as teamwork, documentation, critical analysis and argumentation among university students. Organized by the Xarxa Vives d'Universitats, it has the support of the Directorate General of Language Policy and Multilingualism Management of the Valencian Generality and the Department of Education of the Generality of Catalunya. The organization of the final phase at the University of Valencia was supported by the Student Delegation and the Information and Promotion Service (Sedi), as well as other UV services: the TAU and the La Nau Cultural Center.

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