The UV participates in a European project to improve the mobility of the Mediterranean area

  • June 16th, 2017

The University Research Institute on Traffic and Road Safety (INTRAS) of the Universitat de València participates in a European project to improve the mobility of the Mediterranean area through the promotion of the low-carbon and energy efficiency strategies. The project called CAMP-sUmp, whose responsible is the full university professor Pedro Valero Mora from the Universitat de València, is co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund within the programme Interreg Med.

It has been encouraged by the Magna Grecia Foundation, which is the leader of the project, and the universities of Athens, Valencia, Cyprus, Split, Malta and Bologna. The first phase of this European project is set up and has the motto “Together for a sustainable mobility”. Each university involved in the project has organised a local group with representatives of the state local, regional and national administrations, service operators, transport agencies, mobility managers, university community and other people interested in this action.

The Universitat de València makes its contribution through two significant actions. On the one hand, a roadmap whose aim is to carry out a route for the implementation of the action plan of the project. This guarantees a future replicability and the commitment of the responsibles in the decision-making, and at the same time it shows the consistency of the sustainability at different levels: social, economic and environmental. And, on the other hand, a report about TIC tools (Information and Communication Technologies) tries to obtain a communication model included in the different planning instruments for the campus’ mobility, its management and track.  In this project, it collaborates actively and selflessly the followings: City Council of Valencia, EMT transport operators, Renfe, Metro Valencia, Valenbisi, and other universities as well as several experts in mobility and local NGOs.

One of the main objectives of CAMP- sUm is to facilitate the dialogue among the users of the transport services. It is focused on universities and the institutional responsible and transport operators to design a common plan for the university students’ mobility in the city context. In the meetings, it is used several tools to analyse controversial topics and the actions to be carried out to improve the current situation. There are also surveys to be filled in by students, representatives of the local institutions involved; public and private transport agencies, and university staff to find out the controversial topics and interviews hoping to determine the action to be carried out to improve the current situation.

After the first phase addressed to the study and analysis of the context, the partners of the project with the support of the international research group will work in a mobility plan that would combine innovation and sustainability. Finally, CAMP-sUmp project will develop an action plan that will be available for the political leaders to help them in the planning of a low-impact mobility system.
