UV students collect materials and food for Ukraine relief effort

  • Office of the Principal
  • March 11th, 2022
Estudiants de la UV recullen materials i aliments per a l’ajuda a Ucraïna

Over the last few days, students from the Universitat de València have been collecting materials and food. About twenty volunteers participated in this action, in which more than 160 boxes have been collected and will be transported by the Universitat de València to the collection centre of the Generalitat located in Fira València.

Two students from the Universitat de València of Ukrainian origin promoted this collection of materials and food, with the support of the student organisations SAO, UNIÓ and BEA.

Thus, from the General Assembly of Students and the Principal's Delegation for Students, the establishment of collection points for humanitarian material at the Blasco Ibáñez and Tarongers Campuses was arranged.

In total, some twenty volunteers worked on collecting, sorting and packaging materials over the last few days.

The university community has shown its solidarity by contributing shelter materials and various foodstuffs for a total of 160 boxes.

The principal of the Universitat de València, Mª Vicenta Mestre, and the principal's delegate for students, Manuel González, visited the collection points at the Tarongers and Blasco Ibáñez campuses.

The Universitat de València, through the General Foundation, has provided the pallets for the transport of these materials, which will be sent by the UV to Fira València, which is the place set up by the Generalitat to centralise all the donations.

The principal of the Universitat de València informed the Governing Council of this initiative and thanked “the impulse of our student body to solidarity, with different associations and representation groups involved”.

Similarly, the principal reported that “last Sunday, 6th March, we opened the doors of the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry and the office of the principal car park to be the reception and collection point for a bus of families, women and children who, as part of the programme of the “Fundación Juntos por la vida”, arrived in Valencia in the early hours of that morning”. The Universitat de València also provided water, coffee, milk, cocoa and food for this first early morning reception.

You can read the position of the Universitat de València in relation to the Russian military intervention in Ukraine by following this link: https://links.uv.es/n6P5kgf

You can also consult this UVnews content in relation to the measures adopted by the Universitat de València, reported to the Governing Council on 10th March: https://links.uv.es/Ca8c7ug