The writer Lorenzo Silva gives a conference at the university in the latest activity of the year of the Literature Society

  • Office of the Vice-Principal for Culture and Society
  • December 11th, 2020
Lorenzo Silva.
Lorenzo Silva.

Next Tuesday, 15 December the Literature Society programming will conclude the cycle of conferences of this quadrimester at 19 p.m. in La Nau Cultural Centre. It will be attended by the writer Lorenzo Silva, who will present his latest novel. ‘El mal de Corcira’, in an event hosted and moderated by the head of the Literature Society (UV), Cristina García Pascual. The Literature Society thus concludes the programming of this four-month period that has brought together the writers Raquel Taranilla, Andrea Breu and Ana Merino (Novel’s Nadal Prize 2020).

El mal de Corcira belongs to the author's best-known crime series, starring two of his most recurrent characters, Bevilacqua and Chamorro, who have to face the death of a middle-aged man that appears naked and brutally murdered on a lonely beach in Formentera. According to various testimonies gathered by the Guardia Civil of the islands, he had been seen the previous days in the company of different young people in gay bars in Ibiza. When Bevilacqua receives the call of his bosses to take charge of the investigation and is informed about the peculiarity of the death, a Basque citizen convicted for collaborating with ETA, the sub-lieutenant will come to the conclusion that it is not simply an average case.

In the conference, the author will discuss the creative process based on his own experience throughout the construction of the novel El mal de Corcira, as well as his research on the fight against terrorism. The author will explain what the novel meant to him; a novel which helped him to expand the universe of his most recurrent character: Bevilacqua.

The entry to the conference is free and limited to the hall’s capacity. In order to be in compliance with the required COVID-19 sanitary conditions, the places are very restricted. Hence, we kindly ask you to register only if you have the certainty of being able to attend the conference via this link. The conferences can later be retrieved from the MediaUni channel and the YouTube channel of La Nau Cultural Centre.

From Law to Literature

Lorenzo Silva, essay writer and novelist, has published more than fifty works and has received numerous awards. In 2000, he won the Nadal Prize with El alquimista impaciente; in 2004, the Primavera de Novela Prize for Carta blanca; and he also was awarded the Planeta Prize for La marca del meridiano in 2012.

Lorenzo Silva has a degree in Law from the Complutense University of Madrid; nonetheless, he has always followed a different path. Since he started in literature, he has written hundreds of short stories, articles and literary and historical essays, several books of poetry, a play, a couple of travel books and thirty long novels. 

As a scriptwriter, he has written with Manuel Martín Cuenca the screen adaptation for the novel La flaqueza del bolchevique, for which both writers were nominated for the Goya Awards for the best film adaptation in 2004. Furthermore, he has written together with Manu Horrillo and Felipe Vega the script for the full-length documentary Rif, 1921. Una historia olvidada, along with Antonio Onetti for the television film 20-N. And also Los últimos días de Franco, acknowledged as the best TV Movie of the year with the Academy Prize for Sciences and Arts of Television in 2009.

He also collaborates in the press and in magazines with reports, literary, travelling and opinion articles. As a radio commentator, he has collaborated in several programmes of RNE, la SER, la COPE and ABC Punto Radio. At present, he is still enjoying his guest lecturer work at the University of Navarra and in the narrative workshops that have been held by several schools and institutions.

Des de 2008 és comissari de Getafe Negro, Festival de novela policíaca de Madrid. I en 2009 i 2011 va comissariar, junt amb Ramón Díaz Eterovic, Santiago Negro, el festival de novel·la negra de Santiago de Xile.

He has been the curator of Getafe Negro since 2008, a crime novel festival in Madrid. In 2009 and 2011 he curated, together with Ramón Díaz Eterovic, the festival of black novel in Santiago de Chile, Santiago Negro.

File in: Cultura , Lletres