The writers of Els Parlars Valencians, awarded by El Tempir for the dissemination of the wealth of Valencian

  • Publications Service
  • November 11th, 2019
Imagen de la noticia

Vicent Beltran and Carles Segura-Llopes have been recognised by Associació Cívica per la Llengua ‘El Tempir’, in the South Category, for the job of decades that has ended with the publication of Els Parlars Valencians (Publicacions de la Universitat de València). The work has become a best-seller in the field of geographic variants of Valencian field and it is an obligatory reference to get to know thoroughly the wealth of Valencian in the Valencian Country. The writers have travelled all the territory with presentations in Valencian towns and cities, with good reception because the work bring the academic approach together with the dissemination.

The El Tempir awards try to stand out the public and private careers of those people or institutions that has chosen an inclusive and proactive task with aim of uniting linguistically and territorially our country in three geographic variants: Elche, the Valencian South and the Valencian Country

Vicent Beltran and Carles Segura are part of a new group of Professors that, during the 90’s, rejuvenated the department of Catalan of Universitat d’Alacant until becoming currently as Valencian pedagogic, educational and appreciation referent, knowing the reality of the South, that takes the stock constantly and adapts by searching imaginative solutions to the academic and sociolinguistic present problems.

The award jury says that “the authors have contributed firmly to the individual and collective self-esteem as town simple because this work revalues each Valencian dialectal shades from one end of the country to the other, so that every Valencian speaker can see him/her reflected in the word’s dignity, phonetic variant, local or regional expression that uses and it is collected in this book with love”.

The awards ceremony was on Saturday 9 November in the restaurant El Nugolat in Elche and had the presence of the journalist Gala Navarro as host. Other awarded people were the educator, teacher and philologist Tudi Torró and Associació de Veïns of Raval of Elche.