UVdisabilityUniversitat de ValènciaGeneral Foundation Logo del portal

Is there any specific normative for PDI with disabilities?

Yes, the UV approved through the Governing Council from 28 March 2013 (ACGUV 40/2013) Regulations of measures for the integration of teaching and research staff with disabilities, which replaces the previous one of 31 October 2007. Moreover, there is a yearly call for economic aid that is usually published during the first four-month period in our webpage.

Who is it aimed at?

It is aimed at teaching and research staff, public employees and staff in general, who provide services at the UV, preferably on a full-time basis.

For those who are in an administrative situation of active service and who can confirm the disability given by an official body.

What type of aids are considered?

1-Teaching profession aids. Referred to the acquisition of specific support products, which have not been given in other calls of the university or official bodies, and/or for costs coming from the support staff, to compensate additional difficulties in the course of the teaching and research tasks.

2-Teaching aids. Referred to the scope of teaching duties, including reduction of teaching hours.

Aids are given automatically?

No, you must fil in the application and present the corresponding documentation. The suitability of each personal project presented will be evaluated.

Once given, you must request its renovation annually.

For economic aids, what type of form should I present and when?

Economic aids are awarded through competitions that are held at least once a year. Usually published in the first term of the year. The application model, period of presentation and required documentation are indicated in the call.

For the teaching reduction, what type of form should I present and when?

The most requested teaching aid is the reduction of teaching hours. The application form is available in our web and in the HR-PDI site. It is mandatory to have a certificate of disability equal to or greater than 33% grade.

A sworn statement ensuring not performing any other teaching activity out of the inherent dedication to the UV.

The application must be presented by register considering the following dates:

  • When the reduction is requested for the whole academic year, until 30 April of the previous year.
  • When the reduction is requested for the second term, until 30 September.

How many hours of reduction can I get?

Depending on the detected needs and the teaching dedication, from none to a maximum reduction of 100 hours.
The reduction is granted for the academic year or semester requested. For subsequent courses, a new application must be submitted.

There are different types of valuation depending on the teaching situation?

Before being considered the petition of the reduction of credits by the Assessment Committee, it is mandatory to have an interview with, at least, a doctor of the Health and Safety and the Environment Service, a psychologist of UVdisability and another member of the committee. The aim is to know more confidentially the difficulties of the disability in the development of the teaching career.

Who resolves the applications?

The UV appointed an Assessment Committee composed of the vice-principal with responsibility for PDIs, two doctors of the Health Service and Environmental Quality, two psychologists of the Unit for the Integration of People with Disabilities, the chairperson of the PDI Board and Chairperson of the Workers' committee.