A book coordinated by Guillermo Palao and JesúsOlavarría analyses the management of international research through consortia and strategic alliances

  • Scientific Culture and Innovation Unit
  • March 11th, 2021
The professors of Law at the University of Valencia Guillermo Palao (right) and Jesús Olavarría.
The professors of Law at the University of Valencia Guillermo Palao (right) and Jesús Olavarría.

Guillermo Palao, Professor of Private International Law, and JesúsOlavarría, Professor of Commercial Law, both from the University of Valencia (UV), have coordinated an electronic book, published by the Institution’s Science Park, on research management and innovation through consortia and international strategic alliances. Ten specialists take part, both management professionals and lawyers.

The book Internacionalización de la investigación e innovación: consorcios y alianzasestratégicas (‘Internationalisation of Research and Innovation: Consortia and Strategic Alliances’) has a double intention, as Guillermo Palao explains. “We wanted to draw attention to the problems of researchers in managing, coordinating and regulating their work internationally, but our goal is also to serve as a guide to make it easier for them to establish synergies in the legal dimension. and practice”, says the professor.

The publication –which can be downloaded free of charge from the Science Park website and will be published in physical format with a few copies– was born from an international conference on research management held on 12 November and organised by the UV Science Park Foundation. The conference, streamed, was attended by more than 250 people from different countries and followed by almost 1,300 users. JesúsOlavarría comments that neither the organisers nor the directors expected this reception: “We are pleasantly impressed that the day and the topic have interested so many people from all over the world”.

The e-book includes the contributions of professionals from the public and private spheres in the management of research, valorisation and transfer, but also offers a more technical view of the hand of lawyers, which includes the contributions of Latin American universities that provide a panoramic view of internationalisation. These contributions, apart from those of Olavarría and Palao, come from the hand of Rogelio Conde-Pumpido, Lola Blanco, David Carnicer, Carmela Civit, José M. Corberà, Thiago Gonçalves, Patrícia de Oliveira and Felipe Palau.

As Olavarría points out, “consortia and strategic alliances are the big sisters of the so-called collaborative research, of the R&D systems between research structures of several countries, so having the contributions of different countries has been very enriching”.

“The idea is to put to work those who are doing and those who are theorising about management and show the issue as clearly as possible”, Palao explains. Moreover, the professionalism of research management is growing, especially in the case of collaborative academic studies, both nationally and internationally. The two law professors point out that cooperation between the staff of different institutions highlights the importance of research as a key tool for social development.

Both the day in November and the publication of the book are part of the Globaltech Project, promoted by the Science Park through Eva Alcaraz, with the collaboration of María Dolores Blanco, of the Transfer and Innovation Service of the UV. The initiative has the support of the Department of Innovation, Universities, Science and Digital Society of the Valencian Government, which has been joined by the University of Valencia and its Intellectual Property R & D Group and Industrial (GI + DPI).


E-book available: https://www.pcuv.es/es/recursos/ebooks

Conference available: https://youtu.be/LJ3eYsvkzXA