A conference analyses the history of the Silk Road and its links with València

  • May 9th, 2016
Detail of the poster.

'El Hilo de oro. Historia de la Ruta de la Seda y sus vínculos con Valencia’ (‘The Gold Thread. History of the Silk Road and its links with Valencia’) is the name of a conference that takes place at the Universitat de València from Monday, 9 May. The inauguration will be at 17 hours at the Faculty of Geography and History. The Universitat is one of the promoter institutions of the diffusion of the Silk Road.

In the opening conference event there will be participating Guillermo Palao (Vice-Principal of International Relations and Cooperation of the Universitat de València), Francesc Colomer (Autonomic Tourism Secretary), Ester Alba (dean of the Faculty of Geography and History) and María Ruiz (head of the unit of the Valencian Product Agency of Tourims).

Afterwards, Luis Blanco Domínguez Master’s Degree in Cultural Management of the Universitat de València, will give a lecture on ‘Evolución de la conceptualización y caracterización de los itinerarios culturales. El caso de la Ruta de la Seda’ (‘Evolution of the conceptualisation and characterisation of the cultural itineraries. The case of the Silk Road’).

At 18 hours, Ester Alba and Mª José López Terrada will talk about ‘Pintores y ornatos para los tejidos de seda en la ilustración y la Academia Valenciana de Bellas Artes’ (‘Painters and adornments for silk cloths in the illustration and the Valencian Academy of Fine Arts’). And at 19 hours, Gemma Mª Contreras Zamorano (deputy director of Conservation, Restoration and Research (IVC+R) of ‘Culturarts’ Valencian Government), Mercè Fernández Álvarez (textile restorer of the Conservation, Restoration and Research Office of the Vice-Director (IVC+R) of ‘Culturarts’ Valencian Government), and Mª José Cordón González (IVC+R, Vice-Director (IVC+R) of ‘Culturarts’ Valencian Government) will analyse the ‘interventions for the conservation of the silk Valencian heritage’.

The Universitat de València is one of the signatories of the general collaboration protocol between the Valencian Agency of Tourism; the Valencian Department of Education, Research, Culture and Sport; the Valencian Local Government; the Valencian Council; the UNESCO València association, the Higher Silk Art College and the Chamber of Commerce of València, for the advising and realisation of combined actions in the development of the Silk Road.

Programme of the conference at: http://links.uv.es/TrVn61u

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