The Universitat de València’s Employment and Entrepreneurship Forum will bring together more than 200 companies and organisations in nine centres

  • UV General Foundation
  • January 18th, 2022
Fòrum de la Facultat de Magisteri, curs 2021-22. Foto: Miguel Lorenzo.
Fòrum de la Facultat de Magisteri, curs 2021-22. Foto: Miguel Lorenzo.

The Universitat de València's Employment and Entrepreneurship Forum for the academic year 2021-2022 starts again this January after the first exam period. Nine meetings will take place between 31st January and 28th April, bringing together more than 200 companies and organisations that will connect the university and work worlds in nine centres and venues on the three campuses.

After the success of the first two editions, which brought together nearly 60 organisations in Pharmacy, in online mode, and in Teaching Education, which held the Forum for the first time and also in face-to-face mode, the meetings between the University and the labour market, one hundred per cent face-to-face, will be held again in the faculties of Social Sciences (31st January), Physical Activity and Sport Sciences (2nd February), Law (16th February), Geography and History (24th February), Philosophy and Education Sciences, which will also host the Forum for the first time (9th March) and Philology, Translation and Communication (31st March).

Forums will also be held again by branches of knowledge, such as those for Health Sciences, in the Charles Darwin square of the Principal on 3rd March; Sciences, on the Burjassot-Paterna Campus on 7th April; and Engineering, at the ETSE-UV on 28th April.

Organised by the Vice-principal for Employment and Training Programmes, through UVjob -a service registered with the UV's General Foundation-, the Universitat de València Employment and Entrepreneurship Forum aims to facilitate personal contact between companies/entities/institutions and university students. It is a programme with more than a decade of experience, designed to promote the employability of university students and quality employment, offering a unique opportunity to establish contacts with the heads of human resources of the participating entities.

Moreover, in the different professional meetings there are talks, workshops and round tables where companies present their organisations and inform about the profiles in demand. It is also a regular activity speed networking between companies, as well as the presence of a UVjob own stand that offers in each forum a guidance service to review and optimize both the curriculum vitae and the personal brand of the candidates.

In this sense, the Universitat de València's employment service recommends that people who are actively seeking employment find out about the companies that will be taking part in each forum, select the ones they are interested in and find out about them, for which all the information is available on the specific websites of the different forums.

The forum schedule, as well as the participating companies and organisations, can be checked a few days in advance on this website.

In the menu on the left of this page you can also follow the instructions to participate in the forums as a student or as a company.

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