The fifth edition of the conference of the Master in Research on Molecular, Cellular and Genetic Biology starts

  • Scientific Culture and Innovation Unit
  • April 14th, 2021
Faculty of Biological Sciences.
Faculty of Biological Sciences.

The University of Valencia hosts the fifth face-to-face and second virtual edition of the conference of the Master in Research on Molecular, Cellular and Genetic Biology (IBMCG), on Wednesday April 14 and Thursday April 15. Both days, in the morning and afternoon, several conferences will take place and, in addition, the students will be able to present the posters of their Master’s Thesis.

This event will be held online through the Virtual Classroom platform of the University of Valencia, through this Blackboard Collaborate link. All the information on the congress can be consulted atthis link.

The conference, coordinated and directed by Isabel Arrillaga, Baltasar Escriche and Sergi Maicas, will be opened this Wednesday by the vice-dean of the Faculty of Biological Sciences, Inmaculada García, as well as Lluís Pascual Calahorra, coordinator of Innovation of the Faculty of Biological Sciences.

Regarding the presentations, Juan Ferré Manzanero, professor of the Department of Genetics of the University of Valencia (UV) and director of the BiotecMed Institute, will give the lecture“Bacillus thuringiensis en el control de plagas: uso convencional vs. uso en cultivos Bt” (‘Bacillus thuringiensis in pest control: conventional use vs. use in Bt crops’). Also, following to that, there will be the first and second poster session with the presentation of the general lines of the students’ Master’s Thesis. Wednesday’s events also include the conference by Gloria Sánchez Moragas, senior scientist at the Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology (IATA-CSIC) “Epidemiología del SARS-CoV-2 a través de las aguas residuales” (‘Epidemiology of SARS-CoV-2 through wastewater’).

Thursday April 15, Ester Marco Noales, scientist at the Valencian Institute of Agricultural Research (IVIA) will give the lecture“Xylella fastidiosa: la amenaza global de una bacteria fitopatógena” (‘Xylella fastidiosa: the global threat of a phytopathogenic bacteria’).Other planned conferences are: “Estudios genómicos y expresión de proteína en célula única” (‘Genomic Studies and Protein Expression in Single Cells’), by Fernando Alonso of BD Biosciences - Life Sciences; and “Modeling neurodegenerative disorders in Drosophila melanogaster”, by Juan Antonio Navarro Langa from the Department of Genetics at UV and INCLIVA.

The conference will close with “Perfiles de expresión génica en médula ósea del ratón ovariectomizado: una aproximación funcional para identificar nuevos genes candidatos asociados a la osteoporosis en la mujer” (‘Profiles of gene expression in bone marrow of the ovariectomised mouse: a functional approach to identify new candidate genes associated with osteoporosis in women’), conference given by Miguel Ángel García Pérez, scientist from the Department of Genetics and INCLIVA.