The Gender Equality Month kicks off with activities to promote equality between women and men

  • Equality Unit
  • March 2nd, 2021
Imagen de la noticia

The University of Valencia celebrates, as every year, the International Women’s Day with an extensive programme of cultural and didactic activities which will start around the 8th of March and continue for a few weeks.

The official ceremony is scheduled for Monday 8 March in online format. The UV Principal, Mavi Mestre Escrivà, will open the ceremony reading the official manifest. This will be followed by a colloquium-conference between the writer, essayist and scientist Remedios Zafra and the journalist Magda Bandera.

Registration is required for this event at the following link:

The programme around 8 March starts a few days before this date at the University with activities on the campuses. As well as in The Cultural Centre La Nau and other spaces of the University, such as the windows of the University's bookshop, which will be dedicated to women's and feminist publications.

The University of Valencia's Digital Divide Chair's dissemination campaign ‘Fem fora del bretxa digital de gènere’ (Let’s eradicate the digital gender gap) will start on Wednesday 3 March. There will be a social media sharing of official videos targeting girls, women working in the technology sector and adult women using and encouraging the use of technology.

Differences in access to new technologies and resulting inequalities are known as the digital gap. This concept is also linked to gender discrimination and stereotypes.

Click here to access the programme.

To mark International Women’s Day and in line with its commitment with equality and the implementation of gender perspective, much of the University’s cultural programme will feature women creators, thinkers and professionals from a wide range of fields. Most of activities offered at the University Culture Services’ lecture halls, areas and programmes will seek to highlight the contributions and perspectives of women in different fields through debates, round tables, exhibition, theatrical production and concerts.

The second edition of Girls4STEM starts this 4 March at 17:30 with a training session for teachers, and its first professional talk, called ‘Marta Macho’, will take place on 11 March at the same time. It will be given by Marta Talavera, Ester Sánchez, Maria José (Marisé) Gálvez and Rosana López. All activities are online and registration is required via the project's website:

Girls4STEM is a project aimed at promoting STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) vocations, especially among girls, by organising outreach activities. The project’s spirit is participative and inclusive, that’s why pre-university students (from primary and secondary school, A levels and training cycles) are its first main value.

The activities at the Burjassot Campus will also begin on 4 March and they will be held both in person and online.  

To celebrate the 8th March, the Faculty of Physics will devote one of its lectures of the Cycle of Conferences to ‘Women and Science’. The talk ‘Perspectiva de Gènere en la docència universitària de la física’ (Gender Perspective in University Physics Teaching) will feature Sònia Estradé, lecturer at the University of Barcelona and subject matter expert.

The ADR of the Faculty of Chemistry has organised, as in previous years, a group photo on 8 March that will be taken in accordance with health measures.

Several conferences on the role of women and science are planned at the Burjassot Campus. Firstly, the talk ‘Físiques Nuclears i de Partícules: Passat, Present i Futur’ (Nuclear and Particle Physics: Past, Present and Future) will be held on 9 and 10 March in the Darwin Hall and, due to the current pandemic situation, will also be broadcast in streaming.

These conferences highlight the work of women whose names have been forgotten by the general public in favour of their mentors, brothers or husbands, but whose scientific work was crucial to the development of the new discipline in the incipient field of radioactivity.

The conferences will close with the first performance in Spain of the play ‘Project Meiner’, which will take place on 11, 12, 13 and 14 March at the Rialto Theatre in Valencia. All info at:

Lastly, the fifth Women and Science Conference of the ICMOL and IFIC Equality Commission will be held on 12 March, also in online format. This year’s conference will focus on work-life balance and will try to analyse the problems faced by women researchers and the tools available to them to pursue their research and professional lives.

With regard to the Tarongers Campus, the 8th Award on Gender Equality will be presented on 10 March. This year is dedicated to: ‘“Experiències d´Igualtat en temps de confinament’ (Experiences of Equality in Times of Confinement). The will also be a prize-giving ceremony for the Call for Publications on Gender, and then the winning person or team will give a lecture.

The Faculty of Nursing and Chiropody and the Faculty of Social Sciences are holding poster competitions to commemorate the 8th of March. Terms and conditions for participation are published on the websites of each centre.

The Faculty of Geography and History has scheduled a talk for 11 March to question the male-centred view in teaching of Prehistory. "Ni carne ni pescado: Androcentrismo y narrativas entorno a la evolución y prehistoria" (Neither meat nor fish: Androcentrism and narratives around evolution and pre-history) is the title of the online conference to be given by Débora Zurro at 1 o'clock at the following link:

The entire programme can be consulted at in the constantly updated calendar of activities.
