La Nau presents the book inspired in the life of eight artists women ‘Eixam’

  • April 20th, 2016

The history of eight women and how their lives were marked by their artist condition. ‘Eixam’ (Hive). Vuit contes per a vuit veus’ (Voliana, 2016), a compilation of fiction relates inspired in the life of eight artists women, will be presented tomorrow Wednesday, 20 April, at 19:00 in the Aula Magna of the Cultural Centre La Nau. Edith Piaf, Marlene Dietrich and Sylvia Plath, are some of the figures of the relates.

Camille Claudel, French sculptor ; Zinaida Serebriakova, Russian painter; Jeanne Hébuterne, French painter; Marlene Dietrich, German actress; Dora Maar, French photographer; Mercè Rodoreda, Catalonian writer; Édith Piaf, French singer and Sylvia Plath, American writer. All of them worked as artist in multiple aspects and their experience show how they fought against historical difficulties to develop their careers, as well as the changes and continuities produced until now.

‘Eixam’ defends their figure and work through fiction stories, through the voice of contemporary women who express dudes, ambitions and feelings which are analogues to those artists.  

The presentation of the book and the last talk will have the presence of the author, Sandra Comas, the professor and writer Carmen Alborch, who will speak about gender perspective of the story, and the vice-principal for Culture, Equality   and Communication of the Universitat de València, Antonio Ariño. Free admission, limited capacity. 

The author

Sandra Comas was born in Puigcerdá in 1977. She obtained a degrre in Audiovisual Communication and is studying a Master’s degree in  Literary Creation of the Universitat Pompeu Fabra. She has worked in audiovisual as a scriptwriter and production assistant. She collaborates with the magazine ‘Serra d’Or’. She has published stories in different anthologies like ‘Magranes i altres narracions’ (Pomegranate and other stories), ‘Els caus secrets’ (The secret lair), ‘A tall d’antologia: 23 narradors catalans’ (Anthology way: 23 Catalonian narrators),  ‘Vaig per la vida perdent trens i agafant refredats’ (I spend my life losing trains and catching colds) and ‘Ciutats imaginades’ (Imagined Cities). She was member of the Associació de Joves Escriptors en Llengua Catalana (Assossiaction of Young Writer in Catalan). ‘Eixam’ (Hive) is her first book.