The Universitat de València collaborates with a project aimed to secondary-school students to raise awareness on the plastic reduction in the Mediterranean Sea

  • Scientific Culture and Innovation Unit
  • December 12th, 2019
A picture of the device.
A picture of the device.

The Universitat de València, through the Scientific Culture and Innovation Unit, collaborates with the project Misión Blue Cleaner. This educational and environmental proposal, aimed to students of pre-university education, has the objective of reducing the hydrocarbons and plastics residues in the Mediterranean Sea.

The initiative, of the association IDEMAR-Belharra, was presented on Friday 13th December, from 9.30 a.m. to 12.30 p.m. in the Port of València. The attendance of around 1,000 students from seven Valencian schools was expected.  The residue disposal device was also presented.

The objective of Blue Cleaner is to reduce the presence of these wastes in the surface waters of ports and seascapes, which do not receive adequate treatment and end up in the sea via ditches, gullies or sewers, among others. For this reason, a device has been built that collects floating residues, filters the water and gives it back clean to the seaport, all with renewable energies.

The students who participated in the project arrived at the offices of the association IDEMAR-Belharra, in the Port of València Mar and exposed publicly their proposals for action for improving the management of the "contaminated spots" of their environment in order to prevent waste from reaching the sea.

The Scientific Culture and Innovation Unit (UCC+i) of the Universitat de València took over the Cofre del Mar, an IDEMAR-Belharra scientific dissemination project aimed at primary school students and with which the Mediterranean Sea was put to good use. The proposal, made up of 12 experiments, explained how the sea works from currents, waves, light or pressure, and related these facts to biodiversity, pollution or climate change.

The Valencian Department for Agriculture, Environment, Climate Change and Rural Development, Valencia Mar, Instalaciones Blanco Navarro, the Colegio Oficial de Biólogos de la Comunidad Valenciana, the Centro de Formación Folgado and Aquarelle Sailing also participate in the Misión Blue Cleaner project.