Registration open for the Colla de Dolçaines i Percussió of the Universitat de València

  • UV General Foundation
  • September 12th, 2019
Colla de Dolçaines i Percussió of the Universitat de València.
Colla de Dolçaines i Percussió of the Universitat de València.

The Colla de Dolçaines i Percussió of the Universitat de València has opened the inscription to be part of the group, until October 2nd. On the 3rd October the very simple placement test is called, which will give way to rehearsals held every Thursday during the academic year. Under the direction of Juan Ramon Martí i Chulià, La Colla was born in 2016 with the aim of being a stable, representative and innovative group in the field of traditional music, always from a formative point of view.

The main objective of the constitution of the Colla de Dolçaines i Percussió is to improve the training of students of the Universitat de València in the interpretation of traditional Valencian music.

These collas have their origins at the beginning of the 20th century, when the music of a solo dolçaina could be heard in the streets of the villages, accompanied by a tabalet, playing old and new melodies. The dolçainers (dolçaina players) began to disappear until the 1970s when a wave of young dolçainers took the initiative by creating a whole network of new schools of traditional music and now the Universitat de València joins this trend with the launch of the Colla de Dolçaines i Percussió.

Rehearsals will be held every Thursday, from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m., from 3rd October throughout the academic year, in the Conference Hall Sanchis Guarner of the Faculty of Philology, Translation and  Communication (Blasco Ibáñez 32, València).

The registration also foresees the refund of the registration fee for people who want to be part of this traditional and innovative project, and who meet the attendance of 80% of the scheduled activities.

The requirements for candidates are to be a student at the Universitat de València; to have a maximum age of 26; to have previous knowledge of interpretation with dolçaina and/or traditional percussion; and to pass a simple level test, consisting of the interpretation of a free piece of a maximum duration of 10 minutes on the 3rd of October, at 5 p.m., in the same room where the rehearsals will begin.

To register, please fill in the registration form below or go to the office of the Musical Activities Department of the General Foundation of the Universitat de València, located at Carrer Amadeo de Saboya 4, 4ª planta, València, from Monday to Friday, from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.

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