Sixty-six knowledge areas of the University of Valencia have a percentage of female teachers above the state average

  • Scientific Culture and Innovation Unit
  • March 6th, 2020
Female professor at the University of Valencia during a class.
Female professor at the University of Valencia during a class.

In sixty-six of the one hundred and forty-four areas of knowledge present at the University of Valencia (UV) the percentage of female teachers exceeds the average percentage of the same specialty at the state level. Of those areas with more than ten people (45), in 12 women are the majority in the academic institution. At December 31, 2019, women accounted for 44.85% of the total teaching staff of the University, 64.85% of the Administration and Services Staff (PAS), and 62.02% of students.

In the case of teachers, it is in the groups of greater academic qualification where the gender gap between men and women is greater. Thus, only 29.89% of the teaching staff of the University of Valencia are women, a percentage that reaches 43.77% in the case of the head teaching staff. In the PAS, although they are a majority in all groups, the percentage of women decreases in the group with the highest professional category. They are around 65% in groups C and D, 71.33% in group B, and 55.24% in group A.

In a more detailed analysis of teachers, the presence of women is above the state average in 23 of the 45 areas of knowledge that have more than ten people. These are Toxicology (38.67% above average), Pediatrics (32.98%), Parasitology (32), Stomatology (30.94), Radiology and Physical Medicine (28.17), Basic Psychology (27,18), Dermatology (26), Medicine (24,57), Ophthalmology (20), Physical Geography (19,55), Traumatology and Orthopedics (19,22) and Philosophy of Law (19). Complete this list Personality, Evaluation and Treatment, History of Science, Psychobiology, Food Technology, Modern History, Human Anatomy and Embryology, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Functional Biology, Surgery, Prehistory and Financial and Tax Law.

The data have been compared taking into account the state average by areas of knowledge published in the report Female scientists in figures 2017 of the Ministry of Science and Innovation with the same data from the University of Valencia corresponding to 2019.

The areas with more than ten people where there is more female presence in the University of Valencia are Toxicology (91.67%), Personality, Evaluation and Psychological Treatments (76.32), Psychobiology (73.33), Food Technology (72.22), Basic Psychology (70.18) and Pediatrics, the latter with 60.98% of the teaching staff formed by women. Also the areas of Stomatology (60.94), Parasitology (60), Functional Biology and Human Anatomy and Embryology (58.33), Radiology and Physical Medicine (55.17) and Physical Geography (54.55%).

The areas of knowledge where the presence of female and male teachers is fully balanced in this field of more than ten women are Dermatology, Ophthalmology, Philosophy of Law and Financial and Tax Law.

The University of Valencia is below the state average in the average of teachers in the following areas of knowledge (with more than ten teachers): Medieval History, Greek Philology, Didactics of Written Expression, Optics, Didactics of Social Sciences, Teaching of Musical Expression, Regional Geographic Analysis, Cellular Biology, Audiovisual Communication and Advertising, General Linguistics, Architecture and Technology of Computers and Applied Economics up to a total of 22 areas. In these areas it is in which, in addition, the average number of professors at the University of Valencia does not reach 50% per area.

More information:

Yearbook of statistical data of the Analysis and Planning Service of the University of Valencia:

Scientific Report Female scientists in figures 2017 of the Ministry of Science and Innovation: