The Universitat de València gives the 8th Manuel Castillo Awards of Research and Journalism for peace and cooperation

  • UV General Foundation
  • February 6th, 2018
Los galardonados en la actual edición de los Premios Manuel Castillo.
Los galardonados en la actual edición de los Premios Manuel Castillo.

The Universitat de València gives on Wednesday 7th of February the Manuel Castillo Awards 2017 of Research and Journalism for peace and cooperation to human development. This event will take place in the Main Hall of La Nau at 18 p.m. The research section will focus on the genre perspective. Meanwhile, the journalistic reports modality will address a documentary dealing with El Salvador. The careers of the students association ADiNU and Professor Consuelo Cerviño will be recognized by the academic institution through the Lluís Vives Initiatives modality for cooperation.

The event will been led by the principal of Universitat de València, Esteban Morcillo, accompanied at the table by the vice-principal for International Relations and Cooperation, Guillermo Palao, and a representative of Manuel Castillo’s legacy, José María García Álvarez-Coque.

Raquel Vanyó Vicedo will obtain the award to the Monographic Research Publication modality (worth 3,200 €) for the book “El Horizonte 1325 en Derecho Internacional: Cartografía del posconflicto con perspectiva de género”. For her part, Professor Elena Mut from the Universitat de València will obtain the award to the Unprecedented Research modality for her work “El activismo de las refugiadas políticas colombianas”, which will be published by the University as part of the Collection La Nau Solidària.

Professor Vanyó Vicedo’s research demonstrates that armed conflicts not only have a particular impact on genre, but that this impact remains in the post-conflict intervention. She carries it out through a “genre audit” that traces the evolution of International Law in this matter. It studies the effectivity of the normative at a ground level and demarcates the challenges that are still to be achieved. “Results in this conflict cartography demonstrate that the activities that are being developed in this phase can assemble fairer and more equal societies”, concludes the author.

Professor Elena Mut unprecedented monography visualizes, in words of the researcher, “the social changes that Colombian female refugees in Spain are bringing about. They might seem a minority or marginal, but they can constitute interesting indicators on the transformations of global society”.

In the Journalistic Report modality, the award (worth 2,000 €) has been given to the documentary “#SomosSalvador” for the campaign carried out by the NGDO Centro de Estudios y Solidaridad con América Latina (CESAL) aiming to prevent violence through educative projects.

Lluís Vives Initiatives
The 8th Edition of the Manuel Castillo Awards, organized by the Universitat de València and the Àrea de Cooperació de la Fundació General de esta institución académica will give once again the awards to the modality “Lluís Vives Initiatives” for cooperation to the development of the University. This way, in the category of students, the award has been given to the Associació de Dietistes i Nutricionistes Universitaris (ADiNU) “for his university career and dynamism throughout these years among the students of Pharmacy and in the Burjassot-Paterna Campus, as well as the intense online work that carries out this group. Regarding teaching and researching staff, the award has been given to Professor Consuelo Cerviño Vázquez “for her perseverant dedication to offer university formation to Dominican students transforming the life of lots of people”.

All the awards have been approved unanimously by the jury, which was led by the Vice-Principal for Internationalisation and Cooperation Guillermo Palao. Among all presented and rewarded works, they highlighted the gender-based approach of women towards Valencian development cooperation and university cooperation.

Manuel Castillo Awards are celebrated annually and have a national scope. They are supported by the Red Española de Estudios sobre el Desarrollo (REEDES) -being one of the members of the jury-.  This way they aim to recognize and disseminate the most interesting works for Spanish society on international cooperation, peace, contribution to human development and sustainability of the societies of the World.

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