The University of Valencia and the City Council of Alzira convene the XXV «Estudi General» European Award for the Dissemination of Science

  • Scientific Culture and Innovation Unit
  • June 17th, 2019
Poster of the XXV «Estudi General»European Award for the Dissemination of Science.
Poster of the XXV «Estudi General»European Award for the Dissemination of Science.

The University of Valencia and the Alzira City Council have convened the XXV «Estudi General» European Award for the Dissemination of Science, in collaboration with Edicions Bromera, within the Premis Literaris Ciutat d’Alzira. The prize money is set at € 12,000 euros, and the term of presentation of originals ends on Monday, September 9.

The aim of the award is to encourage the creation and dissemination of works that, with understandable language, make available to the general public and the pre-university students in particular, new scientific and technological developments and also the dissemination of the different areas of knowledge. The award-winning book will be co-published by Edicions Bromera and the University of Valencia Publishing Service (Servei de Publicacions de la Universitat de València), in the Valencian version, in the «Sense Fronteres» collection.

The popular dissemination essays of the scientific and technological knowledge that opt for this prize can be written in Catalan, Spanish, English or French, and have a length of between 250,000 and 300,000 characters, spaces included. To participate, the works will be presented through the virtual office of the University of Valencia, or handed in paper to University of Valencia Registry Office. They must be original and unpublished, and a pseudonym can be used.

The jury of the 2019 edition is formed by Maria Dolores Real, vice-rector of Innovation and Transference; Carolina Moreno, director of the «Sense Fronteres» collection; David González Jara, winner of the XXIV edition of this award; Jose F. Pertusa, researcher of the Department of Cell Biology and Functional Biology and Amparo Ricos, researcher atf the Department of Spanish Philology. To weigh the works, the jury will pay attention to the scientific interest and the coherence of the work, its creativity and originality, the explanatory clarity and the structure of the text, as well as the correct use of the syntax and orthographic norms.

The winning work will be made public and will be awarded next November 8 during the award ceremony. The winner, in addition to the prize money, will receive the trophy that symbolizes the Ciutat d’Alzira Literary Awards.

