The University of Valencia closes the 2020 XV Experimenta fair-contest with the awards ceremony

  • Scientific Culture and Innovation Unit
  • November 27th, 2020
Imagen de la noticia

The Marie Curie Auditorium of the Science Park of the University of Valencia has hosted this November 27 in the morning the XV Fair-Contest of Experiments and Demonstrations of Physics and Technology, within the framework of the program of activities of Expociència of the Science Park of the University of Valencia. The event, with public and with limited capacity, was broadcast by streaming, before the representation of the ‘Chemical Theatre’.

With 100 projects admitted and 450 participants including high school students and teachers, the Experimenta fair-contest was scheduled for April 5 on the main street of the Valencia Science Museum. The health situation generated by COVID-19 has forced the on-site call to be suspended and the projects were presented in October through videos in which the students showed and explained their work and the operation of the assemblies. This year, the awards ceremony and the closing of the Experimenta fair have been held together with the closing of Expociència. You can check here a video about the awards ceremony.

Thus, the Prize for Experiments and Demonstrations of Physics-Baccalaureate, endowed with € 300 and experimental material for the centre), was awarded to the project “Measurement of the performance of a thermal engine (Stirling)”, presented by Laia Almenar Lucio, Isabel García-Oliver Canet and Coraima E. Sánchez Guamán. Professors Francisco Savall and Míriam Esparza were supervised, and the group is from the first year of Baccalaureate at IES Ausiàs March of Gandia. (FILE and VIDEO of the project by clicking on the links).

On the other hand, the Technological Applications-Baccalaureate Award, of € 300 and which includes experimental material for the centre, went to the “Put the ball” project, presented by Blai Barberà Salas, Gabriel Fernández Campos and Brando Fraiz Freire, with the tutelage of Professor Antonio Montero López. The group belongs to the 2nd year of Baccalaureate of the IES Salvador Gadea of Aldaia. You can consult here the FILE and VIDEO of the project.

The jury, made up of university and secondary school teachers, has assessed the proper functioning, the correct understanding of the work and the clarity of the explanations given by the students in the videos sent.

Among others, Experimenta’s main objectives are to encourage the experimental work necessary for a better understanding of science and to promote vocations in science and technology, especially in Physics, and among women, who, as usual, were half of the participants and the winners.

The organising committee of Experimenta is made up of Chantal Ferrer (coordination), Miguel V. Andrés, Jordi Vidal and Amparo Pons, who are part of the faculty of the Faculty of Physics. This initiative has a competitive project of the Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology of the Ministry of Science and Innovation (FECYT-MICIN) of co-financing, in collaboration with the University of Valencia (Delegation of Incorporation to the University, IFIC, Centre of Training and Quality, Scientific Culture Unit, Equality Unit, Science Park Expo, as well as the Archimedes Physics Working Groups of the Faculty of Physics and ScienceFlows) and other institutions and companies. Among the latter are the Príncipe Felipe Science Museum, the Valencia City Council, the Royal Spanish Society of Physics and its division of teaching and dissemination of Physics, Caja Popular, APTCV, Analog Devices and PRODEL.


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