The University of Valencia postpones the I Conference of Dissemination of Doctoral Theses

  • Scientific Culture and Innovation Unit
  • October 18th, 2018
Imagen de la noticia

The University of Valencia postpones the first edition of the Conference of Dissemination of Doctoral Theses of the University of Valencia, convened to present the research of the PhD students in the academic institution, that should be held this Friday 19 at the Auditorium Joan Plaça of the Botanical Garden. Each of the 21 theses selected will be defended in 3 minutes and the examining board will award the three prizes planned: a stay at Harvard University valued at € 2,000, and two awards of € 500 and € 300.

In the session, organised by the Doctoral School and the Scientific Culture and Innovation Unit of the University of Valencia and with the collaboration of Polibienestar, the scientific communicator and writer Pere Estupinyà will deliver the lecture “De l’acadèmia a la comunicació científica: una experiència professional”. Carolina Moreno, Professor of the Language Theory and Communication Sciences Department, will give the lecture “Ciència transmèdia per a tots els públics”.

The I Conference of Dissemination of Doctoral Theses will be opened by the Vice-rector of Strategy, Quality and Information Technologies of the University, Joaquín Aldás-Manzano; the director of the Doctoral School, José Vicente Bagán; and the director of the Valencia Evaluation and Prospection Agency (AVAP), Salvador Palazón.

The dissemination communication of doctoral theses in three minutes will begin with the exhibition of the first 9 works. After a break, the remaining twelve theses will be exposed.

The examining board is formed by José Vicente Bagán; the researcher from the Language Theory and Communication Sciences Department Bejamín Marín; Carme Agustí, researcher of the Department of Cell Biology, Functional Biology and Physical Anthropology; Lorena Cano Orón, Ph.D. student at the University; and Pere Estupinyà.

The criteria for the evaluation of the best works are the content of the exhibition (interest of the investigation, explanation clarity of the objectives and methodology, 4 points); creativity and originality in the form of speech (structure, intonation, speaking speed, visual contact with the public, with up to 3 points) and the use of simple language, correct use of syntax and non-sexist language (3 points).


One hundred and thirty participants

The I Conference of Dissemination of Doctoral Theses of the University of Valencia has had the initial participation of 81 women and 50 men, 131 works in total, of which 21 have been selected for the exhibition. The abstracts of the 131 dissertations presented correspond to the following areas: Health Sciences (35), Social Sciences (35), Humanities (31), and Basic Sciences and Engineering (30).

Regarding the language in which the candidatures were initially presented, 12 have done it in English, 19 in Catalan and 100 in Spanish. Of the works, in Health 26 they were made by women and 9, by men; in Socials 22 women and 13 men have participated; 20 women and 11 men, in Humanities; and in the block of Basic Sciences and Engineering, 13 abstracts were made by women and 17 by men.

To be able to participate, one had to be enrolled in any doctoral program of the University of Valencia, at least in the second annuity, to have the enrollment active, not having defended the thesis on the date of the celebration of the conference, and to have the approval of the directors of the investigation.


List of the selected people, by order of intervention, that will participate in person in the I Conference of Dissemination of Doctoral Theses: