The University of Valencia organises the 1st Conference on International Mentoring of the Real Colegio Complutense of Harvard

  • Scientific Culture and Innovation Unit
  • December 12th, 2018
Imagen de la noticia

The Universitat de València hosts the 1st Conference on International Mentoring of the Real Colegio Complutense of Harvard and Partner Universities (RCC-Harvard) to show excellence practices in mentoring at the five universities that form the entity and to develop a joint and coordinated program in this area. The meeting, this Wednesday 12, in the Board Room of the Rectorate, will design the contents, actions and structure that allow the growth, improvement and visualisation of the program.

The Real Colegio Complutense of Harvard (RCC-Harvard) is a Spanish centre affiliated to Harvard University since 1990, whose objective is to provide academic, scientific and cultural cooperation to the Spanish system of higher education. It promotes and develops activities in all areas of the knowledge triangle and during the last 29 years has supported 5,000 students and visitors, as well as around 1,000 research projects and programs for teachers and graduate students. It is formed by the universities Complutense of Madrid, Alcalá, Sevilla, Polytechnic of Madrid and the University of Valencia.

The Wednesday conference includes five presentations and a working session of the scientific and organiser committees. It is sponsored by Banco Santander and aims to create a network of mentors – teaching and research staff and doctoral students who have received grants from the RCC-Harvard – to inform and advise potential applicants for these scholarships.

In the session, organised in the University with the support of the Doctoral School and the Scientific Culture and Innovation Unit, the value of international university mentoring programs will also be reflected, as well as their impact on employability and they will present other existing experiences in this matter.

The conference will be started at 11 am by Mavi Mestre, rector of the University of Valencia; Carlos Andradas, rector of the Complutense University of Madrid; Andrés García Reche, director of the Valencian Innovation Agency; and by José María García de los Ríos, director of agreements and patronage of the Banco de Santander. Isabel Durán, Vice Chancellor of Internationalisation and Cooperation of the Complutense University; and Carles Padilla, Vice Chancellor of Internationalisation and Cooperation of the Universitat de València will also participate in the opening ceremony.

The proposed advice raises actions such as communicating program information through specialised webinars and other telematic or face-to-face media; transmitting the experience acquired in activities of the RCC-Harvard; assisting in the preparation of documents such as letters of acceptance or the preparation of the Curriculum Vitae, or assisting in the search for contacts and opportunities at Harvard University.

In the foreseen presentations, the mentoring will be dealt with for the full development of the research staff (by Xavier Ronald, EU Project manager of the FECyT); mentoring within the framework of the RCC-Harvard (by José Manuel Martínez, director of the Colegio Complutense); mentoring at the University of Valencia (by Manuel Guillén, representative of the institution in the RCC-Harvard). It will also deal with university mentoring and its relationship with employability (Marisa Quintanilla, Director of Employment of the University) and the experience of the International Mentoring Program, by Guillermo Palao, representative of the UV in the advisory board of the RCC-Harvard. At 3.30 pm the working session of the scientific and organiser committees begins.


The program of the conference can be checked here.