The NTU Ranking lists the Universitat de València as the third best Spanish university in terms of scientific performance

  • Scientific Culture and Innovation Unit
  • September 4th, 2018
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The Universitat de València is consolidated as the third best Spanish higher education centre for the fifth consecutive year in the NTU Ranking. In addition, it has improved its position in the European and global rank. The NTU Ranking assesses the performance of scientific papers and citations of the best 800 universities in the world. It has verified that the Valencian institution has improved in most of the subjects and fields of study that have been analysed.

The Valencian institution has improved internationally in all six fields of knowledge that have been analysed. It is listed 126th in Agriculture, 136th in Natural Sciences, 237th in Clinical Medicine, 298th in Social Sciences, 301-350 in Life Sciences and 351-400 in Engineering. It maintains its academic positions among Spanish universities and has even advanced in Medicine from the 4th to the 3rd position.

The NTU Ranking analyses 14 subjects. In the Spanish ranking, the Universitat de València is listed the 1st in agricultural sciences (47th in the world) and 2nd in Physics (144th in the world). In addition, it is the third in Chemistry (132nd in the world), Environmental Sciences and Ecology (160th in the world), Pharmacology and Toxicology (188th in the world). Both Pharmacology and Toxicology have improved their position in comparison with the previous year.

The Universitat the València has internationally improved most subjects that have been analysed by the NTU Raking: Agricultural Sciences, Civil Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Chemistry, Environment and Ecology, Earth Sciences, Mechanical Engineering, Pharmacology and Toxicology.

Thus, the Universitat de València is listed 215th in the global ranking (232nd in 2017) and 87nd in the European ranking (93rd in 2017). Harvard University, Stanford University and Johns Hopkins University are at the top of the ranking. The NTU Ranking was published in August. The Universitat the València is only surpassed in Spain by the University of Barcelona and the Autonomous University of Barcelona.

The NTU Ranking, whose bibliometric data provider is Essential Science Indicators – Clarivete Analytics, is updated every year. It uses 3 main indicators. The first indicator is researching performance (25%). It includes the number of published papers in the last year and in the past 11 years. The second indicator is the impact of research (35%). It encompasses the number of citations in the past 2 and 11 years, as well as the average of the longest period. The third main indicator is excellence research (45%). It assesses the h-index of the last two years, the number of cited articles and the number of articles that have been included in prestigious academic magazines.