More than 450 participants of the Secundary School, in the Fair-Contest “Experimenta”, with Physics and Technology demonstrations

  • Scientific Culture and Innovation Unit
  • April 12th, 2018
Imagen de la noticia

The Museu Príncipe Felipe in Valencia hosts this Sunday, April 22, the 13th Fair-Contest of Physics and Technology demos and experiments. The event, organised by the Faculty of Physics of the Universitat de València, aims not only to get the physics and technology closer to secondary education students and to citizens in general but also to do it in a creative and participative way. Simultaneously to the fair-contest, there will be the children’s workshop Fisicalandia (from 10:00 to 13:00h). Afterwards it will be take place the award ceremony (from 13:30h).

The fair-contest will be developed between 10:00 and 13:00, and it is planned that there will participate more than 333 students and 85 teachers. Free access, it holds a demonstration of more than 93 experimental projects built by secondary, high school and Vocational Training Courses students with the help of their tutors. People who visit it will be able to know the working of these experiments. Moreover, children will be able to go to the workshop Fisicalandia, where will be built and understand basic and easy demonstrations based in natural phenomena.

Experimenta includes a contest to the best projects and to the most voted by the audience. A jury formed by university professors and high school teachers will value the good functioning, the right comprehension of the work and the clarity of the students’ explanations. There will be five prizes: four of 300 euros for each category of the contests according to the cycle of studies, and one of 200 to the most voted project by the public visiting the fair, and other commendations.

The person responsible of Experimenta is Chantal Ferrer, professor of Applied Physics and Electromagnetism of the Universitat de València. The organizing committee is also made up by Miguel V. Andrés Bou, Amparo Pons Martí and Jordi Vidal Perona. “We have also large numbers of contributors and volunteers of the faculty (90 including supervisors) and 38 members of the jury, university professors and secundary education”, explains Chantal Ferrer. Centres of Valencia and all the Valencian Community will participate, also from other communities (Écija or Jaén) and even from Russia (Centre 1.517 of Moscow).

In the explanations, the students (alone or in groups of four people maximum) have to spotlight the relationships between natural phenomena and technological applications, that is, between physics and technology. The works are classified in two groups: the demonstrations and experiments of Physics, and on the other hand, technology application projects.

The event will finish at 13:00 and as of 13:30 the award ceremony will be started. This ceremony will take place in the auditorium Santiago Grisolía in the Science Museum of Valencia. Afterwards, there will be a short performance of science “Minstrels of Physics”. Awarded projects or those with a mention will participate in a later exhibition, open to public, where videos of the students explaining their projects will be filmed. These videos and descriptive documents will be accessible online as teaching and informational materials.

Experimenta has the support and the patronage of the Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology (FECYT) of the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, the Chair for Scientific Dissemination of the Universitat de València, the Institute of Corpuscular Physics, the Valencian local Government, Caja Popular, the Royal Spanish Society of Physics, the Delegation for University Integration, or the Equality Unit of the academic institution, among others.


More information about the fair-contest Experimenta:

@FiraExperimenta #Experimenta18