UVlibrariesUniversitat de València Logo del portal

1. Opening hours

2. Library location and spaces

3. Cards and Users

4. Location of bibliographic holdings

5. Loan, return, reservations

6. Electronic resources and document access

7. More services

Opening hours

What are the usual opening hours?

The usual opening hours are Monday to Friday from 8:15 am to 9 pm, and Saturdays from 9 am to 2 pm. There are special opening periods at weekends and 24 h. You can consult the SBD website and social networks (bibliotequesuv).

What are the loan service hours?
Monday to Friday from 8:30 am to 8:30 pm, and Saturdays from 9:15 am to 1:30 pm.


Library location and spaces

Where is the library located? The library is located in the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry. At the end of the hall on the first floor, you will find the stairs leading to the library.


What areas can be found in the library?

  • Lending desk. On the ground floor, in the entrance hall of the library.
  • User training room. On the ground floor opposite the lending desk.
  • Study rooms. There are two study rooms, one on the ground floor, where the manuals are also located, and another on the first floor.
  • Group work rooms. the library has 2 group work rooms and a multipurpose room on the first floor. Through this link you can know the rooms use rules and their capacity. They can be booked through the Trobes catalogue (you can view this video to make a reservation).

The Faculty of Medicine has 2 rooms: one for study and the other for group work on the 3rd floor.
Eating and drinking is forbidden in all areas.


Cards and Users

Who can enter the Library?
The Library is a public space and any user can enter, even if they do not belong to the university community. Only during special opening periods is access restricted and a UV card is required in order to use the facilities.

Who can use the loan of documents?
The entire university community (students, PDI and PAS), the Alumni UV (Friends and Alumni), and members of institutions with which the UV has an agreement: professional associations, secondary school teachers, research, etc. (+info)

I have just enrolled and I still don't have a card, can I access the library services?
Yes, go to the lending desk and with your LDAP and password we can register you.


What do I do if I have lost my university ID card?

The loss of your student card must be reported as soon as possible to the library to avoid identity theft and to the secretary's office of the faculty where you are enrolled.


New virtual card

From January 2023, the new student cards will be in virtual format only.


Virtual card creation

The virtual card is created when you register at the University. If any incident occurs during enrollment, you must go to the secretary's office of your center.

If you do not have a photograph in the virtual secretary's office, you will not be able to have a virtual card.

More information about the university card at https://links.uv.es/f0BxzSh  


Access to the virtual card

Access to the virtual card can be done through:

  • The UV Mobile App
  • Cuentas.uv.es, ('Gestiona tus cuentas') identifying yourself with your UV email username and password ('ver mi tarjeta universitaria').
  • Virtual secretary (general menu, 'consult your card').

More information about the university card in https://links.uv.es/f0BxzSh  


Why don't I have a virtual card if I have already uploaded my photograph in the Virtual Secretary?

Having a photograph entered in the system does not imply that you have a Virtual Card.

More information at https://links.uv.es/YI2AZxP

What do I do if I don't remember my passwords to access My Account?
You can recover them through this link: Credentials recovery. For further information, consult the SIUV Help.


Location of bibliographic holdings

How do I locate the books?
To find out the physical location of a book, you have to search for it in the Trobes catalogue. The results obtained indicate the LOCATION of the book (library and floor) and the CALL NUMBER that shows the location of the book on the shelf.
If you have any doubts about locating the document, ask the library staff for help.

Can I access the books on the shelves?
Yes, access is free. When you have finished using them, they should be left on the trolleys so that library staff can put them back in their place.

How do I request the material located in "Dipòsit"?
Both journals and periodicals (not on loan) and books in the deposit section must be requested at the lending desk, indicating their reference number. To consult journals and periodicals excluded from loan, you must fill in a form that you will be given at the desk.


Loan, return, reservations

What documents can be borrowed?
The library provides the bibliographic collection (books and other materials), laptops and objects such as lecterns.

Where can I borrow and return documents?
At the lending desk on the ground floor. Books can be returned to any other library. Laptops will have to be returned to the library that owns them. Objects can be borrowed only for use in the library.

How many documents can I borrow and for how long? 
Undergraduate students can take a maximum of 20 documents with 6 automatic renewals; postgraduate students, up to 40 documents with 6 automatic renewals. To find out the duration of the loan according to the type of document and user group, please consult the website.

How to reserve documents?
Documents must be reserved through Trobes. The maximum number of simultaneous reservations that a user can have is equal to the maximum number of copies that he can have on loan. For more information, please consult the website.

Who can access the Intercampus loan service?
This service is aimed at teaching and research staff, administrative and service staff, postgraduate students and users with disabilities.

How do I request books from the Depositary Library?
You have to reserve them by identifying yourself in Trobes. In the reservation form you can select the library where you want to pick them up or consult them (+info).


Electronic resources and document access

How can I access the electronic resources of the Universitat de València from home?
Configure the VPN (Virtual Private Network) on your computer, which allows you to operate as if you were in the computer network of the Universitat de València (+info).

Can I consult electronic resources without being a member of the university community?
If you need occasional access to an electronic resource subscribed by the UV, the library can create a temporary access under the figure of "ephemeral user". We will provide you with temporary access keys and a computer to consult them from the library.

Can I obtain a digitised copy of an article?
The library offers the service of supply of digitised printed articles, through which it sends by email to PDI, PAS and postgraduate students journal articles in paper format from the UV libraries.

What do I do if I need a document that is not in the UV libraries?
You can use the Interlibrary Loan Service. It is a paid service offered by the library to access books, chapters or journal articles that are not in our collections.


More services

Is it possible to suggest the purchase of a book?
The library dedicates its budget to the acquisition of basic bibliography manuals recommended by teachers. You can send your requests through this form.

Is it possible to make donations?
Yes, but under certain conditions that are specified in this procedure and by filling in the form that accompanies it.

I am the author of several articles. Where can I obtain certified copies?
The "Pelegrí Casanova" Library of Health Sciences offers the service of collation and certification of articles and other documents that belong to its collection. For more information, please contact us through Bibliotec@ Respon.

I need help to do my TFG (Final degree project), where do I go?
The library offers you the Servei d'Informació Bibliogràfica, which will help you with bibliographic searches, the use of electronic resources, and all the aspects related to your dissertation (selection of information sources, preparation of citations, use of bibliographic managers, etc.). Contact through the Bibliotec@ Respon.

I am a PDI and I need help to develop my research activity.
You can contact the Servei de Suport a la Investigació of the library where they will advise you on aspects such as the standardisation of authorship and their profiles in databases, copyright, scientific publishing, journals where to publish... For more information you can consult the blog of the service and contact through the Bibliotec@ Respon.