The Choral School La Nau opens the pre-registration period for the next academic year with a return to the Hall or Residence Rector Peset

  • UV General Foundation
  • May 30th, 2022
Photo of the archive of the Choral School La Nau at the Hall of Residence Rector Peset
Photo of the archive of the Choral School La Nau at the Hall of Residence Rector Peset

The Choral School La Nau of the Universitat de València opened the registration period for new students for the academic year 2022-23 with the novelty that the activities will be carried out at the new Hall of Residence Rector Peset.

Because of the pandemic and the need to find suitable places, the Choral School La Nau held its rehearsals at the Botanical Garden of the Universitat de València during the academic year 2021-22. Following the lifting of the restrictions due to the improvement of the health situation, the activity returns to the Hall of Residence Rector Peset.

Rehearsals will take place every Monday from 3 October 2022 to 12 June 2023. The Choral School, directed by Mónica Perales, its integrated by three choirs: Mestral, for boys and girls between 4 and 6 years old; Garbí from second to sixth grade of primary school; and Tramuntana from ESO onwards. The timetable will be as follows:

- Mestral choir: from 17:45 to 18:30 hours.

- Garbí choir: from 18:30 to 19:15 hours.

- Tramuntana choir: from 19:15 to 20:15 hours.

The music reading classes, that the participants on the Garbi and Tramuntana choirs will receive will be held at the Seminar Room in the same building at the Hall of Residence Rector Peset by Inmaculada Mirapeix.

The Choral School La Nau was created in 2002 in the Universitat de València with the aim providing musical training through choral performance for schoolchildren from the age of four. Starting from the premise that the song is the basic element to structure a good musical education, an excellent mean of spontaneous expression and an important component of human formation.

The voice is an excellent instrument that we carry in our body. It has been proved that group singing has great benefits, as it contributes to the development of self-steam, motivation and self-control, among others. The benefits of choral singing in children are multiplied since it helps in the development of language and memory, in the improvement of concentration and the growth of social intelligence.

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