Leisure and human development in the second debate of ‘Generació Jove’ in La Nau

  • April 13th, 2016
Debate of ‘Generació Jove’ in La Nau

Have you ever thought what leisure is? Often we relate this term with a time and a vital space for rest and fun. However, the dialogue between leisure experiences and the human development shows that it is a area with lots of possibilities to the self-fulfilment, personal expression or the meeting. There will be talks about it this Thursday, 14 April, at 19:00, at the Aula Seminario of La Nau.

The entrance is free limited to the capacity of the room and the debate will be broadcasted live on the MediaUni web: (http://mediauni.uv.es/VCultura/) and the audiovisual archive will be available for consultation at Canal Cultura of Mediauni. The cycle is coorganised by the Universitat and the IVAJ. 

‘Leisure and human development’ is the title of the second debate in the cycle ‘Generació Jove’, organised by the Institut Valencià de la Joventut (IVAJ) and the Universitat de València, through the Vice-Principal for Culture, Equality.    

In this second talk will participate Manuel Cuenca, full university professor of pedagogy and founder of the Institute of Leisure Studies of the Universidad de Deusto, Antonio Ariño, vice-principal of Culture and Equality of the Universitat de València and Jesús Martí, general secretary of the IVAJ. 

The objective of ‘Generació Jove’ is to meet people who work in the young area, with young people directly from different institutions to university research and the design of public policies. The cycle pretends to create a debate space about questions which affect them directly, like equality policies, TIC challenges or, in this casa, the educational possibilities of leisure