Presentation of the winners of the second edition of the programme 'Activa Cultura'

  • Office of the Vice-Principal for Culture and Society
  • May 11th, 2023

This competition is aimed at students of the University of Valencia and seeks to promote creativity and critical reflection through art with the creation of itinerant projects throughout the three university campuses.

The Aula Magna of the University of Valencia’s Cultural Centre hosted today, Thursday 11 May, the presentation of the eight winning projects of the second edition of the 'Activa Cultura' programme. The event was attended by the Vice-Principal of Culture and Society, Ester Alba, the Principal of the University Culture Service, Adela Cortijo, and from the cap d’iniciatives responsible for Activa Cultura, Domingo Pujante.

According to the Vice-Principal Ester Alba, Activa Cultura "aims to give students a leading role through more horizontal, less hierarchical projects that allow cultural expressions to reach all corners of the University". Ester Alba also highlighted "the feminist and social commitment axes of this year's proposals".

In this current edition the selected projects are ‘Habitar el territorio desde otra mirada’ (Inhabiting the territory from a different perspective), ‘‘La mirada. Les dones i la societat’ (The glance. Women and society), ‘El cuerpo disidente’, (The dissident body), ‘Desplazar’ (Displace), ‘Biblioteca en movimiento’ (Library on the move), ‘Teatro Químico UV’ (UV Chemical Theatre), ‘Revista Impasible’ (Impasible Magazine) and ‘Revista Parnaso’ (Parnassus Magazine).

All these works have been carried out by students of the University of Valencia who are studying official or own studies of degree, master or doctorate and, consequently, they will be exhibited in any space of the academic institution during the whole year 2023.

Selected projects 

‘Habitar el territorio desde otra mirada’, by Sandra Fernández Blanco, Lucía Fuentes and ONG Vura Music Project, applies art focused on the improvement of African society and seeks to make the body an invitation to transformation regardless of religion, age or gender.

‘La mirada. Les dones i la societat’ intends to illustrate stories about individual and collective conflicts of various women, i.e. it intends to explain the contexts and spaces in which they could feel opressed, discriminated and vulnerable. This project has been elaborated by Neus Cisneros, Sonia Domingo, Gema Gil and Pau Navarro.

‘El cuerpo disidente’ is a project that intends to speak about otherness, away from normativity that immerses the actual contemporary society. The work will consist of showing dissident bodies, taking into account queer or transgender people in order to blur the traditionally accepted paradigm.

By Mariana Kaplan Castro, Violeta Montiel and Laura Martínez Bigozzi, ‘Desplazar’ is another of the winning projects of the competition, which aims to raise awareness and contribute to the discussion about climate change and the consequences of humans having the city at the centre of their lives.

‘Biblioteca en movimiento’ by Gloria Ballini and Valentina Pirisi, intends to see how students perceive the library and the way they would change it. To this end, a two-day activity of reflection and expression is proposed.

Aimed at students of Compulsory Secondary Education and Bachillerato, a group of students, teachers and technical staff of the Faculty of Chemistry of the University of Valencia has developed 'Teatro Químico UV: El teatro es pura química, la química es puro teatro’ (Theatre is pure chemistry, chemistry is pure theatre), a work in which phenomena and relationships of a chemical nature are shown in unexpected contexts.

‘Revista Impasible’ by Sara Olivas, edits the second issue of this publication on the subject of high sensitivity in the workplace and will include articles with a more objective and professional vision by psychologists and the testimony of women entrepreneurs.

Carla Juárez and Blanca Lirio’s ‘Revista Parnaso’ is the last winning project of the second ‘Activa Cultura’ contest, in which the aim is to promote an integral perception of art and to encourage interaction between different areas of knowledge. All this through the 'Revista Parnaso', which aims to establish communication through culture with students from other universities.