UVlibrariesUniversitat de València Logo del portal

  • Horari


    May/June schedule 2024

    The "Gregori Maians" Social Sciences Library will be open from 6 may to 27 june, both included, from 8:15 a 2:00 a.m. On Saturdays in the evening, sundays and holidays and weekdays from 21.00 to 2.00 a.m., only floor -1 will be open.


    During this period the UV card (physical or virtual) will be required to access the Library.


    More info


  • academic visibility poster


    Profile curation workshops

    If you are PDI (Teaching and research staff) of the Faculties of Law, Economics and Social Sciences, we invite you to participate in our workshops on profile curation on key academic platforms such as: WOS, Scopus, Google Scholar, ORCID and Dimensions.


    In these workshops you will learn effective strategies to keep your profiles up to date. An updated profile always improves your visibility!



    April 25: 12:00-1:30 p.m. Web of Science and Scopus. COMPLETE
    April 26: 12:00-1:30 p.m. Google Scholar, ORCID and Dimensions COMPLETE
    May 9: 12:00-1:30 p.m. Google Scholar, ORCID and Dimensions COMPLETE
    May 10: 12:00-1:30 p.m. Web of Science and Scopus COMPLETE


    Location: Training Room of the “Gregori Maians” Social Sciences Library

    * We recommend coming with your laptop and if you already have profiles created, we ask that you have your access codes updated.


    Registration: Register through The Library Responds > Research support > General information, indicating the day you want to attend. Places are limited to 12 people per session.



  • Fons negre amb el logo de eduVPN amb lletres roges i blanques


    New EduVPN connection

    The UV has changed the way you connect to the VPN.

    The new system is now called EduVPN.

    For the time being, you will be able to use both old connections with OpenVPN, as well as new ones with EduVPN.

    On this page you will find the instructions for downloading, and on our Youtube channel you can watch different videos according to your operating system: Windows, MAC, Linux, Android and IOS.

  • student filling a bottle at the fountain and the vending machines next to it


    New water fountain in the library

    The library, comitted to the Sustainable Development Goals to reduce the use of plastics and respect the environment, has installed a free osmosis water fountain for users.

    The new fountain is located on floor -1, next to the vending machines.

    So now you know, don't waste more plastic, bring your vessel!

  • Sofia logo on a white/grey background with the words SOFÍA and a symbol composed of three crossed sticks with a dot at each end


    New subscription: SOFÍA

    We inform you that since the end of December the Law Faculty has subscribed a new resource. Its name is Sofia and it is the intelligent legal assistant developed by Tirant https://sofia.tirant.com/

    If you want to know more about this resource, here are two videos that explain it to you:

    Sofía does not have direct access from Trobes, but is done through the Tirant Prime platform, accessible from the catalogue:


  • Logo eLibro in gray, red and purple letters on white background


    Collection eLibro Social Sciences

    The UV libraries have just subscribed a new collection of electronic books: eLibro Social Sciences

    Access to the books is through this link: https://elibro.net/es/lc/univalencia/inicio/

    The collection does not have direct access from Trobes (the individual books do).

    Books can be read online, saved to your bookshelf if you create a user, and allow downloading/printing a certain number of pages.