25N Dia Internacional contra la Violència cap a les Dones
La Universitat aprova el IV Pla d'Igualtat
I Pla de diversitats de la UV
Compta amb 43 accions incloses en 5 línies de treball a desenvolupar en 4 anys (2024-2027).
Matricula't i forma't en igualtat, gènere i feminismes
La Universitat de València ofereix l'assignatura " Relacions de Gènere" dirigida a qualsevol estudiant de Grau que es podrà cursar al llarg de tot el seu període de formació.
The UV’s 3rd Equality Plan, approved in 2019 and set to be developed until 2022, has been automatically extended. Thus, its 64 actions are still in force and being implemented while the 4th Equality Plan is being drafted.
The Universitat de València began the process of designing, negotiating and approving the 4th Equality Plan on 25 July 2022. The Negotiating Board of the Universitat de València appointed members of the negotiating committee to initiate the process of analysing and discussing the new Equality Plan.
Gender mainstreaming in university teaching involves a reflective process that affects the objectives, design and competencies of the curriculum. This, in turn, impacts the design of courses, including learning outcomes, content, examples, language, sources, assessment methods and learning environment management.
The Espai Violeta of the Equality Unit of the Universitat de València aims to prevent gender-based violence in the university community and to intervene in the situations that require it.
The Equality Observatory aims to highlight inequalities between men and women in the university context by collecting and analysing statistical data. This data updates and expands the Mujeres y hombres en la Universitat de València (“Women and Men at the Universitat de València”) report and may be used in developing equality indicators.
The Universitat de València has begun an initiative for equality in diversity in a broad sense, which includes sexual, family, gender, ethnic, cultural and religious diversity.
The UV volunteering programme, promoted by the Equality Unit of the Universitat de València, aims to involve students in awareness raising, prevention and action against gender-based violence through the Espais Violeta.
The Network of Gender Equality Unities for University Excellence (RUIGEU) gathers all the unities, offices, observatories, commissions, secretariats of equal opportunities for women and men at Spanish publics universities and private universities that solicit the adhesion.
The gender equality programme of the Vives Network aims to effectively integrate gender perspective in all areas of university teaching, research and management. The programme covers gender treatment at all levels, from needs analysis to report preparation, resource development and training and dissemination of gender perspective application.
The Institute of Women is an autonomous body attached to the Spanish Ministry of Equality. Its functions are to promote and develop cross-application of the principle of equal treatment and opportunities between women and men. The Institute also cooperates with other departments to draw up reports on the application of EU directives, in which the Institute is the Body for the Promotion of Equality.
The Directorate-General for Equality and the Institute of Women of the Valencian Government is responsible for carrying out the functions established in Law 5/1983, of 30 December, of the Valencian Council, and other functions established in the legal system related to promoting gender equality and recognising women’s rights.
The Commission for the Fight against Violence against Women is responsible for carrying out the functions established in article 70 of Law 5/1983, of 30 December, of the Valencian Council, as well as other functions foreseen in the legal system related to the prevention and comprehensive care of women victims of violence and their children.
The University Institute of Women Studies of the Universitat de València (IUED) is an interdisciplinary research institute comprising professors, researchers and postgraduate education students. It also collaborates with other professors and researchers, with whom it maintains scientific relations and shares projects or lines of research.
The Universitat de València has formal and informal procedures for resolving conflicts arising from non-compliance with this code of conduct. The UV also ensures that complainants are not adversely affected.
This guide aims to provide UV members with resources and strategies to facilitate the use of non-sexist, egalitarian language in their communication.
The purpose of this Vives Network guide is to assess the impact of gender in university regulations. It also aims to provide recommendations and good practices for integrating a gender perspective in the drafting of university regulations, based on a pragmatic approach.
CaDi is a tool designed to assist in the use of inclusive and non-sexist language in writing.
The Universitat de València has implemented a new anti-harassment policy and informal complaints channel. This protocol was approved by the Governing Council on 29 June 2021 and replaces the previous protocol approved on 28 February 2012.