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2022 exercise

University of Valencia

2021 exercise

University of Valencia

  • Anual accounts 2021
  • Reports of the General Intervention of the "Generalitat Valenciana"
  • Reports of the court of Audit of the public universities of the Valencian Community

Lluis Alcanyís Foundation

Language Centre of the University of Valencia

UV Scientific Park Foundation

General Foundation of the University of Valencia

Fundación Universidad-Empresa of Valencia

2020 exercise

2019 exercise

Lluis Alcanyís Foundation

Language Centre of the University of Valencia

UV Scientific Park Foundation

General Foundation of the University of Valencia

Fundación Universidad-Empresa of Valencia

2018 exercise

Lluis Alcanyís Foundation

Language Centre of the University of Valencia

UV Scientific Park Foundation

General Foundation of the University of Valencia

Fundación Universidad-Empresa of Valencia

University project management -FGUV

2017 exercise

2016 exercise

2015 exercise

2014 exercise

2013 exercise

2012 exercise

2011 exercise

2010 exercise

2009 exercise

2008 exercise

2007 exercise

2006 exercise

2005 exercise

2004 exercise

2003 exercise

2002 exercise

2001 exercise

2000 exercise