
Preinscripció UVdoctorats 2024-2025

La UV posa al teu abast 60 programes de doctorat

Fira-Concurs Experimenta

3.000 persones visiten Experimenta

S’han exposat 74 projectes experimentals i s’han concedit 15 guardons

Young woman looking at books

59th Valencia Book Fair 

The UV publications will be at booths 61 and 62 from 25 April to 5 May


Nou catalitzador per a obtindre polietilé

Un equip de la UV desenvolupa aquest mètode més segur i eficient

Hand refusing cigarettes

World Day for Safety and Health at Work

The UV offers a wide range of activities to promote health


Les tennistes de la UV, campiones d'Espanya

La UV continua acumulant triomfs als Campionats d'Espanya Universitaris

Master's student

90% of graduates with a Master's from the UV find a job

The empoyability rate has risen 4 points compared to past labour insertion studies


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