
PAU 2024

The UV has launched a webpage with details on the Univeristy Entrance Exams

Office of the Principal building

The Governing Council reaffirms the UV’s commitment to Palestine

The Principal has informed of the actions being undertaken by the UV in this area.


Employment rate of UV undergrads exceeds 90%

Find out what degrees have the best Labour Market Insertion rate

María Moreno

UV researcher María Moreno wins science award

For her study on the origin of mass in the Universe

El director general Rafael Sebastián i el vicerector Carlos Hermenegildo

Programa d'I+D+I de la Generalitat

El director general de Ciència i Investigació-GVA presenta les novetats


Other highlights   UVNews

The UV offers €161,200 in refugee grants

The Universitat de València announces the International Refugee Plan 2024 grants for students. It offers an opportunity to continue their education at the UV for refugee students, mainly those from Afghanistan and Palestine.

Highlight   UVSports


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