
2nd FORTHEM meeting at the UV

The UV hosts the principals of the 9 universities in the FORTHEM alliance

Doctorate awards

Extraordinary Doctorate Awards

Recognition of 39 doctorates from the 2022-2023 academic year


Positive effects of EPO hormone on neurons revealed

The study analyses its potential as a treatment for neurological and psychiatric diseases

Master's student

90% of graduates with a Master's from the UV find a job

The empoyability rate has risen 4 points compared to past labour insertion studies

Audiovisual students

New continuous training programme in film and audiovisual studies

The Cinema Club presents this 2nd edition with 8 specialised courses


Spring concerts with the Music Club

15 chamber concerts are scheduled for June

Sea floor

Marine phytoplankton respond to the effects of global warming

A UV study reveals the specie's capacity to adapt to rising temperatures


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