Manuel Perea

Universitat de València

Department: Departamento de Metodología, Facultad de Psicología
Phone Number: +34 96 3864512
E-mail Address: mperea[at]valencia[dot]edu

Postal Address / Dirección postal:

Die Sprache verkleidet den Gedanken.

Ludwig Wittgenstein


· Research interests / Temas de investigación:

·         Visual word recognition / Reconocimiento visual de palabras

·         Lexical-semantic memory / Memoria léxica-semántica

·         Cognitive processes amenable to strategic control / Procesos cognoscitivos sujetos a control estratégico

·         Mathematical modeling / Modelado matemático

·         Cognitive Neuroscience / Neurociencia Cognitiva


· Selected Publications / Publicaciones representativas:

·         Perea, M., & Gotor, A. (1997). Associative and semantic priming effects occur at very short SOAs in lexical decision and naming. Cognition, 62, 223-240.
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·         Carreiras, M., Perea, M., & Grainger, J. (1997). Effects of orthographic neighborhood in visual word recognition: Cross-task comparisons. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 23, 857-871.
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·         Perea, M., & Pollatsek, A. (1998). The effects of neighborhood frequency in reading and lexical decision. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 24, 767-777.
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·         Perea, M., & Carreiras, M. (1998). Effects of syllable frequency and syllable neighborhood frequency in visual word recognition. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 24, 134-144.
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·         Perea, M. (1998). Orthographic neighbours are not all equal: Evidence using an identification technique. Language and Cognitive Processes, 13, 77-90.
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·         Pollatsek, A., Perea, M., & Binder, K. (1999). The effects of neighborhood size in reading and lexical decision. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 25, 1142-1158.
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·         Grainger, J., Carreiras, M., & Perea, M. (2000). A new technique for visual word recognition research: The luminance increment paradigm. Current Psychology Letters, 1, 107-116.
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·         Perea, M., & Rosa, E. (2000). Repetition and form priming interact with neighborhood density at a short stimulus-onset asynchrony. Psychonomic Bulletin and Review, 7, 668-677.
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·         Perea, M., & Rosa, E. (2000). The density constraint also occurs with unmasked, visible primes in the lexical decision task. Current Psychology Letters, 2, 61-72.
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·         Perea, M., & Rosa, E. (2002). Does the proportion of associatively related pairs modulate the associative priming effect at very brief stimulus-onset asynchronies? Acta Psychologica, 110, 103-124.
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·         Perea, M., Rosa, E., & Gómez, C. (2002). Is the go/no-go lexical decision task an alternative to the yes/no lexical decision task? Memory and Cognition, 30, 34-45.
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·         Perea, M., & Rosa, E. (2002). Does “whole word shape” play a role in visual word recognition? Perception and Psychophysics, 64, 785-794.
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·         Perea, M., & Rosa, E. (2002). The effects of associative and semantic priming in the lexical decision task. Psychological Research, 66, 180-194.
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·        Carreiras, M., & Perea, M. (2002). Masked priming effects with syllabic neighbors in the lexical decision task. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 28, 1228-1242.
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·        Perea, M. (2002). Los códigos con información fonológica decaen rápidamente en la lectura normal de textos [Phonological codes decay rapidly in normal silent reading]. Cognitiva, 14, 203-211.
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·        Perea, M., & Rosa, E. (2003). Los efectos de facilitación semántica con las tareas de decisión léxica sí-no y sólo-sí [The effects of semantic priming with the yes/no and the go/no-go lexical decision task]. Psicothema, 15, 114-119.
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·        Perea, M., & Lupker, S. J. (2003). Transposed-letter confusability effects in masked form priming. In S. Kinoshita and S. J. Lupker (Eds.), Masked priming: State of the art (pp. 97-120). Hove, UK: Psychology Press. 
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·       Perea, M., Rosa, E., & Gómez, C. (2003). Influence of neighborhood size and exposure duration on visual-word recognition: Evidence with the yes/no and the go/no-go lexical decision task. Perception and Psychophysics, 65, 273-286.
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·        Perea, M., & Carreiras, M. (2003). Sequential effects in the lexical decision task: The role of the item-frequency of the previous trial. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 56, 385-401.
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·         Perea, M., & Lupker, S. J. (2003). Does jugde activate COURT? Transposed-letter confusability effects in masked associative priming. Memory and Cognition, 31, 829-841.
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·         Perea, M., & Carreiras, M. (2003). Regressions and eye movements: where and when. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 26, 497.
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·         Ratcliff, R., Perea, M., Colangelo, A., & Buchanan, L. (2004). A diffusion model account of normal and impaired readers. Brain and Cognition, 55, 374-382.
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·         Carreiras, M., & Perea, M. (2004). Naming pseudowords in Spanish: Effects of syllable frequency. Brain and Language, 90, 393-400.
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·         Álvarez, C., Carreiras, M., & Perea, M. (2004). Are syllables phonological units in visual word recognition? Language and Cognitive Processes, 19, 427-452.
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·         Carreiras, M., & Perea, M. (2004). Effets de la fréquence du voisinage syllabique dans la reconnaissance des mot écrits et la lecture: Comparisons inter-tâches [Effects of syllable neighborhood frequency in visual word recognition and reading: Cross-task comparisons]. In L. Ferrand and J. Grainger (Eds.), Psycholinguistique cognitive (pp. 231-249). Bruxelles: De Boeck.
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·         Perea, M., & Lupker, S.J. (2004). Can CANISO activate CASINO? Transposed-letter similarity effects with nonadjacent letter positions. Journal of Memory and Language, 51, 231-246.
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·         Perea, M., Carreiras, M., & Grainger, J. (2004). Blocking by word frequency and neighborhood density in visual word recognition: A task-specific response criteria account. Memory and Cognition, 32, 1090-1102.
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·         Perea, M., Rosa, E., & Gómez, C. (2005). The frequency effect for pseudowords in the lexical decision task. Perception and Psychophysics, 67, 301-314.
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·         Pollatsek, A., Perea, M., & Carreiras, M. (2005). Does conal prime CANAL more than cinal? Masked phonological priming effects in Spanish with the lexical decision task. Memory and Cognition, 33, 557-565.
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·         Carreiras, M., Ferrand, L., Grainger, J., & Perea, M. (2005). Sequential effects of phonological priming in visual word recognition. Psychological Science, 16, 585-589.
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·         Davis, C. J., & Perea, M. (2005). BuscaPalabras: A program for deriving orthographic and phonological neighborhood statistics and other psycholinguistic indices in Spanish. Behavior Research Methods, 37, 665-671.
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·         Perea, M., & Fraga, I. (2006). Transposed-letter and laterality effects in lexical decision. Brain and Language, 97, 102-109.
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·         Perea, M., & Carreiras, M. (2006). Do transposed-letter similarity effects occur at a prelexical phonological level? Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 59, 1600-1613.
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·         Perea, M., & Carreiras, M. (2006). Do transposed-letter similarity effects occur at a syllable level? Experimental Psychology, 53, 308-315.
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·         Williams, C. C., Perea, M., Pollatsek, A., & Rayner, K. (2006). Previewing the neighborhood: The role of orthographic neighbors as parafoveal previews in reading. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 32, 1072-1082.
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·         Perea, M., & Estévez, A. (2006). First-order sequential effects in the go/no-go lexical decision task. Cognitiva, 18, 101-110.
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·         Perea, M., & Carreiras, M. (2006). Do transposed-letter effects occur across lexeme boundaries? Psychonomic Bulletin and Review, 13, 418-422.
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·         Perea, M., Urkia, M., Davis, C. J., Agirre, A., Laseka, E., & Carreiras, M. (2006). E-Hitz: A word-frequency list and a program for deriving psycholinguistic statistics in an agglutinative language (Basque). Behavior Research Methods, 38, 610-615.
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·         Johnson, R. L., Perea, M., & Rayner, K. (2007). Transposed-letter effects in reading: Evidence from eye movements and parafoveal preview. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 33, 209-229.
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·         Carreiras, M., Vergara, M., & Perea, M. (2007). ERP correlates of transposed-letter similarity effects: Are consonants processed differently from vowels? Neuroscience Letters, 419, 219-224.
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·         Duñabeitia, J.A., Perea, M., Gutiérrez, E., Mena, Y., & Carreiras, M. (2007). Priming morfológico: algo más que priming ortográfico. Anuario de Psicologú}, 38, 9-23.
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·         Perea, M., & Lupker, S. J. (2007). La posición de las letras externas en el reconocimiento visual de palabras. Psicothema, 19, 559-564.
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·         Gómez, P., Ratcliff, R., & Perea, M. (2007). A model of the go/no-go task. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 136, 389-413.
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·         Duñabeitia, J.A., Perea, M., & Carreiras, M. (2007). Do transposed-letter similarity effects occur at a morpheme level? Evidence for ortho-morphological decomposition. Cognition, 105, 691-703.
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·         Carreiras, M., Duñabeitia, J.A., & Perea, M. (2007). READING WORDS, NUMB3R5 and $YMβOL$. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 11, 454-455.
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·         Duñabeitia, J. A., Perea, M., & Carreiras, M. (2007). The role of the frequency of constituents in compound words: Evidence from Basque and Spanish. Psychonomic Bulletin and Review, 14, 1171-1176.
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·         Perea, M., & Estévez, A. (2008). Transposed-letter similarity effects in naming pseudowords: Evidence from children and adults. European Journal of Cognitive Psychology, 20, 33-46.
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·         Perea, M., & Carreiras, M. (2008). Do orthotactics and phonology constrain the transposed-letter effect? Language and Cognitive Processes, 23, 69-92.
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·         Lupker, S.J., Perea, M., & Davis, C.J. (2008). Transposed letter priming effects:  Consonants, vowels and letter frequency. Language and Cognitive Processes, 23, 93-116.
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·         Perea, M., Duñabeitia, J.A., & Carreiras, M. (2008). R34D1NG W0RD5 W1TH NUMB3R5. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 34, 237-241.
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·         Perea, M., Duñabeitia, J.A., & Carreiras, M. (2008). Masked associative/semantic priming effects across languages with highly proficient bilinguals. Journal of Memory and Language, 58, 916-930.
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·         Perea, M.,  Duñabeitia, J.A., & Carreiras, M. (2008). LEYENDO P4L4BR4S y NÚM3R05. Ciencia Cognitiva, 2, 31-34.
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·         Acha, J., & Perea, M. (2008). The effects of length and transposed-letter similarity in lexical decision: Evidence with beginning, intermediate, and adult readers. British Journal of Psychology, 99, 245-264.
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·         Perea, M., Acha, J., & Fraga, I. (2008). Lexical competition is enhanced in the left hemisphere: Evidence from different types of orthographic neighbors. Brain and Language, 105, 199-210.
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·         Acha, J., & Perea, M. (2008). The effect of neighborhood frequency in reading: Evidence with transposed-letter neighbors. Cognition, 108, 290-300.
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·         Perea, M., & Duñabeitia, J.A., Carreiras, M. (2008). Transposed-letter priming effects for close versus distant transpositions. Experimental Psychology, 55, 397-406.
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·         Gómez, P., Ratcliff, R., & Perea, M. (2008). The overlap model: A model of letter position coding. Psychological Review, 115, 577-601.
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·         Comesaña, M., Fraga, I., Perea, M., & Pinheiro, A. (2008). O léxico bilingue: Um léxico ou dois? Eis a questão... In C. Flores (Ed.), Temas em Bilingüismo (pp. 15-60). Braga: Centro de Estudos Humanísticos, Universidade do Minho.
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·         Duñabeitia, J.A., Carreiras, M., & Perea, M. (2008). Are coffee and toffee served in a cup? Ortho-phonologically mediated associative priming. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 61, 1861-1872.
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·         Duñabeitia, J.A., Perea, M., & Carreiras, M. (2008). Does darkness lead to happiness? Masked suffix priming effects. Language and Cognitive Processes, 23, 1002-1020.
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·         Blanco, E., & Perea, M. (2008). SMS: Impacto social y cognitivo. Escritos de Psicología, 2, 22-29.
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·         Perea, M., & Pérez, E. (2009). Beyond alphabetic orthographies: The role of form and phonology in transposition effects in Katakana. Language and Cognitive Processes, 24, 67-88.
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·         Carreiras, M., Gillon-Dowens, M., Vergara, M., & Perea, M. (2009). Are vowels and consonants processed differently? ERP evidence with a delayed letter paradigm. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 21, 275-288.
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·         Carreiras, M., Vergara, M., & Perea, M. (2009). ERP correlates of transposed-letter priming effects: The role of vowels vs. consonants. Psychophysiology, 46, 34-42.
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·         Perea, M., & Acha, J. (2009). Does letter position coding depend on consonant/vowel status? Evidence with the masked priming technique. Acta Psychologica, 130, 127-137.
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·         Duñabeitia, J.A., Marín, A., Avilés, A., Perea, M., & Carreiras, M. (2009). Constituent priming effects: Evidence for preserved morphological processing in healthy old readers. European Journal of Cognitive Psychology, 21, 283-302.
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·         Duñabeitia, J.A., Laka, I., Perea, M., & Carreiras, M. (2009). Is Milkman a superhero like Batman? Constituent morphological priming in compound words. European Journal of Cognitive Psychology, 21, 615-640.
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·         Comesaña, M., Perea, M., Piñeiro, A., & Fraga, I.  (2009). Vocabulary teaching strategies and conceptual representations of words in L2 in children: Evidence with novice beginners. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 104, 22-33.
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·         Perea, M., Acha, J., & Carreiras, M. (2009). Eye movements when reading text messaging (txt msgng). Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 62, 1560-1567.
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·        Perea, M., & Acha, J. (2009). Space information is important for reading. Vision Research, 49, 1994-2000.
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·         Perea, M., Acha, J., & Carreiras, M. (2009). Lnguaj SMS: ¿cost o bnficio? Ciencia Cognitiva, 3, 52-54.
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·         Duñabeitia, J.A., Perea, M., & Carreiras, M. (2009). There is no clam with coats in the calm coast: Delimiting the transposed-letter priming effect. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 62, 1930-1947.
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·         Perea, M., Duñabeitia, J.A, Pollatsek, A. & Carreiras, M. (2009). Does the brain regularize digits and letters to the same extent? Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 62, 1881-1888.
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·         Duñabeitia, J.A., Perea, M., & Carreiras, M. (2009). Eye movements when reading words with $YMβOL$ and NUM83R5: There is a cost. Visual Cognition, 17, 617-631.
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·         Carreiras, M., Perea, M., Vergara, M., & Pollatsek, A. (2009). The time course of orthography and phonology: ERP correlates of masked priming effects in Spanish. Psychophysiology, 46, 1113-1122.
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·         Davis, C. J., Perea, M., & Acha, J. (2009). Re(de)fining the orthographic neighbourhood: The role of addition and deletion neighbours in lexical decision and reading. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 35, 1550-1570.
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·         Acha, J., & Perea, M. (2010). On the role of consonants and vowels in visual-word processing Evidence with a letter search paradigm. Language and Cognitive Processes, 25, 423-438.
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·         Duñabeitia, J.A., Cholin, J., Corral, J., Perea, M., & Carreiras, M. (2010). SYLLABARIUM: An online application for deriving complete statistics for Basque and Spanish syllables. Behavior Research Methods, 42, 118-125.
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·         Duñabeitia, J.A., Perea, M., & Carreiras, M. (2010). Masked translation priming effects with highly proficient simultaneous bilinguals. Experimental Psychology, 57, 98-107.
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·         Perea, M., Gomez, P., & Fraga, I. (2010). Masked nonword repetition effects in yes/no and go/no-go lexical decision: A test of the Evidence Accumulation and Deadline accounts. Psychonomic Bulletin and Review, 17, 369-374.
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·         Perea, M., Abu Mallouh, R., & Carreiras, M. (2010). The search of an input coding scheme: Transposed-letter priming in Arabic. Psychonomic Bulletin and Review, 17, 375-380.
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·         Perea, M., & Gomez, P. (2010). Does LGHT prime DARK? Masked associative priming with addition neighbors. Memory and Cognition, 38, 513-518.
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·         Acha, J., Laka, I., & Perea, M. (2010). Reading development in agglutinative languages: Evidence from beginning, intermediate and adult Basque readers. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 105, 359-375.
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·         Acha, J., & Perea, M. (2010). Does kaniso activate CASINO? Input coding schemes and phonology in visual-word recognition. Experimental Psychology, 57, 245-251.
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·         García-Orza, J., Perea, M., & Muñoz, S. (2010). Are transposition effects specific to letters? Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 63, 1603-1618.
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·         García-Orza, J., & Perea, M. (2011). Position coding in two-digit Arabic numbers: Evidence from number decision and same-different tasks. Experimental Psychology, 58, 85-91.
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·         Carreiras, M., & Perea, M. (2011). Efectos de la estructura silábica en el priming silábico. Revista de Logopedia, Foniatría y Audiología, 31, 30-35.
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·         Perea, M., Abu Mallouh, R., García-Orza, J., & Carreiras, M. (2011). Masked priming effects are modulated by expertise in the script. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 64, 902-919.
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·         Perea, M., Nakatani, C., & van Leeuwen, C. (2011). Transposition effects in reading Japanese Kana: Are they orthographic in nature? Memory and Cognition, 39, 700-707.
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·         Moret-Tatay, C., Perea, M., & Rosa, E. (2011). Sobre la relevancia de la tipografía en la lectura de palabras. Ciencia Cognitiva, 5:2, 34-37.
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·         Moret-Tatay, C., & Perea, M. (2011). Is the go/no-go lexical decision task preferable to the yes/no task with developing readers? Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 110, 125-132. DOI: 10.1016/j.jecp.2011.04.005
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·         Perea, M., Moret-Tatay, C., & Gómez, P. (2011). The effects of interletter spacing in visual-word recognition. Acta Psychologica, 137, 345–351. DOI: 10.1016/j.actpsy.2011.04.003
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·         Vergara, M., Perea, M., Marín, A., & Carreiras, M. (2011). The processing of consonants and vowels during letter identity and letter position assignment in visual-word recognition: An ERP study. Brain and Language, 118, 105–117.
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·         Gil-López, C., Perea, M., Moret-Tatay, C., & Carreiras, M. (2011). Can masked priming effects be obtained with handwritten words? Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 73, 1643–1649. DOI: 10.3758/s13414-011-0174-y
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·         Moret-Tatay, C., & Perea, M. (2011). Do serifs provide an advantage in the recognition of written words? Journal of Cognitive Psychology, 23, 619-624. DOI: 10.1080/20445911.2011.546781
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·         Dufau, S., Duñabeitia, J.A., Moret-Tatay, C., McGonigal, A., Peeters, D., Alario, F.-X., Balota, D.A., Brysbaert, M., Carreiras, M., Ferrand, L., Ktori, M., Perea, M., Rastle, K., Sasburg, O., Yap, M.J., Ziegler, J.C., & Grainger, J. (2011). Smart phone, smart science: how the use of smartphones can revolutionize research in cognitive science. PLoS ONE, 6(9): e24974. DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0024974
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·         Perea, M., Moret-Tatay, C., & Panadero, V. (2011). Suppression of mirror generalization for reversible letters: Evidence from masked priming. Journal of Memory and Language, 65, 237–246. DOI: 10.1016/j.jml.2011.04.005
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·         Perea, M., Moret-Tatay, C., & Carreiras, M. (2011). Facilitation vs. Inhibition in the masked priming same-different matching task. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 64, 2065-2079. DOI:10.1080/17470218.2011.582131
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·         García-Orza, J., Perea, M., & Estudillo, A.  (2011). Masked transposition effects for simple vs. complex non-alphanumeric objects. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 73, 2573–2582. DOI: 10.3758/s13414-011-0206-7
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·         Perea, M., Palti, D., & Gómez, P. (2012). Associative priming effects with visible, transposed-letter nonwords: JUGDE facilitates COURT. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 74, 481-488. DOI: 10.3758/s13414-012-0271-6
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·         García-Orza, J., Perea, M., Abu Mallouh, R., & Carreiras, M. (2012). Physical similarity (and not quantity representation) drives perceptual comparison of numbers: Evidence from two Indian notations. Psychonomic Bulletin and Review, 19, 294–300. DOI 10.3758/s13423-011-0212-8
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·         Perea, M., & Gómez, P. (2012). Increasing interletter spacing facilitates encoding of words. Psychonomic Bulletin and Review, 19, 332–338. DOI: 10.3758/s13423-011-0214-6
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·         Muñoz, S., Perea, M., García-Orza, J., & Barber, H.A. (2012). Electrophysiological signatures of masked transposition priming in a same-different task: Evidence with strings of letters vs. pseudoletters. Neuroscience Letters, 515, 71–76. DOI: 10.1016/j.neulet.2012.03.021
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·         Perea, M., Winskel, H., & Ratitamkul, T. (2012). On the flexibility of letter position coding during lexical processing: The case of Thai. Experimental Psychology, 59, 68-73. DOI: 10.1027/1618-3169/a000127
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·         Perea, M., Comesaña, M., Soares, A.P., & Moret-Tatay, C.  (2012). On the role of the upper part of words in lexical access: Evidence with masked priming. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 65, 911-925. DOI:10.1080/17470218.2011.636151
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·         Carreiras, M., Perea, M., & Abu Mallouh, R. (2012). Priming of abstract letter representations may be universal: The case of Arabic. Psychonomic Bulletin and Review, 19, 685–690. DOI: 10.3758/s13423-012-0260-8
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·         Winskel, H., Perea, M., & Ratitamkul, T. (2012). On the flexibility of letter position coding during lexical processing: Evidence from eye movements when reading Thai. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 64, 1522-1536. DOI:  10.1080/17470218.2012.658409
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·         Perea, M., Panadero, V., Moret-Tatay, C., & Gómez, P. (2012). The effects of inter-letter spacing in visual-word recognition: Evidence with young normal readers and developmental dyslexics. Learning and Instruction, 22, 420-430. DOI: 10.1016/j.learninstruc.2012.04.001
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·         Panadero, V., Perea, M., & Gómez, P. (2012). Un pequeño aumento en el espaciado entre letras favorece la lectura en niños disléxicos. Ciencia Cognitiva, 6:3, 51-53.
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·         Pagán, A., Marín, J., & Perea, M. (2012). El papel de la sílaba en la codificación posicional de las representaciones ortográficas. Anales de Psicología, 28, 954-962. DOI:
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·         Perea, M., García-Chamorro, C., Martín-Suesta, M., & Gómez, P. (2012). Letter position coding across modalities: The case of Braille readers. PLoS ONE 7(10): e45636. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0045636
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·         Perea, M., Gatt, A., Moret-Tatay, C., & Fabri, R. (2012). Are all Semitic languages immune to letter transpositions? The case of Maltese. Psychonomic Bulletin and Review, 19, 942-947. DOI: 10.3758/s13423-012-0273-3
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·         Perea, M., & Gómez, P. (2012). Subtle increases in interletter spacing facilitate the encoding of words during normal reading. PLoS ONE 7(10): e47568. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0047568
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·         Perea, M., & Carreiras, M. (2012). Perceptual uncertainty is a property of the cognitive system. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 35, 298-299. DOI: 10.1017/S0140525X12000118
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·         Perea, M. (2012). Revisiting Huey: On the importance of the upper part of words during reading. Psychonomic Bulletin and Review, 19, 1148-1153. DOI: 10.3758/s13423-012-0304-0
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·         Perea, M., Comesaña, M., & Soares, A.P. (2012). Does the advantage of the upper part of words occur at the lexical level? Memory and Cognition, 8, 1257-1265. DOI: 10.3758/s13421-012-0219-z
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·         Lupker, S.J., Acha, J., Davis, C.J., & Perea, M. (2012). An investigation of the role of grapheme units in word recognition. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 38, 1491-1516. DOI: 10.1037/a0026886
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·         Comesaña, M., Soares, A.P., Perea, M., Piñeiro, A., Fraga, I., & Pinheiro, A.P. (2013). ERP correlates of masked affective priming with emoticons :). Computers in Human Behavior, 29, 588–595. DOI: 10.1016/j.chb.2012.10.020
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·         Perea, M. (2013). Why does the APA recommend the use of serif fonts? Psicothema, 25, 13-17. DOI: 10.7334/psicothema2012.141
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·         Winskel, H., & Perea, M. (2013). Consonant/Vowel asymmetries in letter position coding during normal reading: Evidence from parafoveal previews in Thai. Journal of Cognitive Psychology, 25, 119–130. DOI: 10.1080/20445911.2012.753077
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·         Vergara-Martínez, M., Perea, M., Gomez, P., & Swaab, T.Y. (2013). ERP correlates of letter identity and letter position are modulated by lexical frequency. Brain and Language, 125, 11–27. DOI: 10.1016/j.bandl.2012.12.009
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·         Perea, M., García-Chamorro, C., Centelles, A., & Jiménez, M. (2013). Position coding effects in a 2D scenario: The case of musical notation. Acta Psychologica, 143, 292-297. DOI: 10.1016/j.actpsy.2013.04.014
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·         Perea, M., Soares, A.P., & Comesaña, M. (2013). Contextual diversity is a main determinant of word-identification times in young readers. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 116, 37-44. DOI: 10.1016/j.jecp.2012.10.014
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·         Perea, M., abu Mallouh, R., & Carreiras, M. (2013). Early access to abstract representations in developing readers: Evidence from masked priming. Developmental Science, 16, 564-573. DOI: 10.1111/desc.12052
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·         García-Blanco, A.C., Perea, M., & Livianos, L. (2013). Mood-congruent bias and attention shifts in the different episodes of bipolar disorder. Cognition and Emotion, 27, 1114-1121. DOI: 10.1080/02699931.2013.764281
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·         Carreiras, M., Perea, M., Gil-López, C., Abu Mallouh, R., & Salillas, E. (2013). Neural correlates of visual vs. abstract letter processing in Roman and Arabic scripts. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 25, 1975-1985. DOI: 10.1162/jocn_a_00438
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·         García-Blanco, A., Perea, M., & Salmerón, L. (2013). Attention orienting and inhibitory control across the different mood states in bipolar disorder: An emotional antisaccade task. Biological Psychology, 94, 556- 561. DOI: 10.1016/j.biopsycho.2013.10.005
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·         Gomez, P., Perea, M., & Ratcliff, R. (2013). A diffusion model account of masked vs. unmasked priming: Are they qualitatively different? Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 39, 1731-1740. DOI: 10.1037/a0032333
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·         Duchon, A., Perea, M., Sebastián-Gallés, N., Martí, A., & Carreiras, M. (2013). EsPal: One-stop Shopping for Spanish Word Properties. Behavior Research Methods, 45, 1246-1258. DOI: 10.3758/s13428-013-0326-1
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·         Plummer, P., Perea, M., & Rayner, K. (2014). The influence of contextual diversity on eye movements in reading. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 40, 275-283. DOI: 10.1037/a0034058
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·         García-Blanco, A., Perea, M., & Salmerón, L. (2014). Atención y procesamiento emocional en personas con trastorno bipolar. Ciencia Cognitiva, 8:1, 1-4.
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·         Carreiras, M., Armstrong, B. C., Perea, M., & Frost, R. (2014). The what, when, where, and how of visual word recognition. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 18, 90-98. DOI: 10.1016/j.tics.2013.11.005
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·         Perea, M., & Panadero, V. (2014). Does viotin activate violin more than viocin? On the use of visual cues during visual-word recognition. Experimental Psychology, 61, 23-29. DOI: 10.1027/1618-3169/a000223
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·         Soares, A.P., Perea, M., & Comesaña, M. (2014). Tracking the emergence of the consonant bias in visual-word recognition: Evidence with developing readers. PLoS ONE 9(2), e88580. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0088580
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·         Winskel, H., & Perea, M. (2014). Can parafoveal-on-foveal effects be obtained when reading an unspaced alphasyllabic script (Thai)? Writing Systems Research, 6, 94-104. DOI: 10.1080/17586801.2013.843440
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·         Winskel, H., & Perea, M. (2014). Does tonal information affect the early stages of visual-word processing in Thai? Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 67, 209–219. DOI: 10.1080/17470218.2013.813054
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·         Perea, M., Jiménez, M., & Gómez, P. (2014). A challenging dissociation in masked identity priming with the lexical decision task. Acta Psychologica, 148, 130-135. DOI: 10.1016/j.actpsy.2014.01.014
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·         Macaya, M., & Perea, M. (2014). Does bold emphasis facilitate the process of visual-word recognition? Spanish Journal of Psychology, 17, E2. DOI:10.1017/sjp.2014.2
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·         García-Blanco, A., Salmerón, L., Perea, M., & Livianos, L. (2014). Attentional biases toward emotional images in the different episodes of bipolar disorder: An eye-tracking study. Psychiatry Research, 215, 628-633. DOI: 10.1016/j.psychres.2013.12.039
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·         Winskel, H., Perea, M., & Peart, E. (2014). Testing the flexibility of the modified receptive field (MRF) theory: Evidence from an unspaced orthography (Thai). Acta Psychologica, 150, 55–60. DOI: 10.1016/j.actpsy.2014.04.008
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·         Panadero, V., Jiménez, M., & Perea, M. (2014). Leyendo a través del espejo. Ciencia Cognitiva, 8:2, 32-35.
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·         Tejero, P., Perea, M., & Jiménez, M. (2014). Is there a genuine advantage to the upper part of words during lexical access? Evidence from the Stroop task. Memory and Cognition, 42, 834-841. DOI: 10.3758/s13421-013-0390-x
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·         Perea, M., Abu Mallouh, & Carreiras, M. (2014). Are root letters compulsory for lexical access in Semitic languages? The case of masked form-priming in Arabic. Cognition, 132, 491-500. DOI: 10.1016/j.cognition.2014.05.008
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·         Gomez, P., & Perea, M. (2014). Decomposing encoding and decisional components in visual-word recognition: A diffusion model analysis. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 67, 2455-2466. DOI: 10.1080/17470218.2014.937447
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·         Duñabeitia, J.A., Perea, M., & Carreiras, M. (2014). Revisiting letter transpositions within and across morphemic boundaries. Psychonomic Bulletin and Review, 21, 1557-1575. DOI: 10.3758/s13423-014-0609-2
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·         Yakup, M., Abliz, W., Sereno, J., & Perea, M. (2014). How is letter position coding attained in scripts with position-dependent allography? Psychonomic Bulletin and Review, 21, 1600-1606. DOI: 10.3758/s13423-014-0621-6
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·         Perea, M., Jiménez, M., Suárez-Coalla, P., Fernández, N., Viña, C., & Cuetos, F. (2014). Ability for voice recognition is a marker for dyslexia in children. Experimental Psychology, 61, 480-487. DOI: 10.1027/1618-3169/a000265
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·         Perea, M., Jiménez, M., & Gómez, P. (2015). Do young readers have fast access to abstract lexical representations? Evidence from masked priming. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 129, 140-147. DOI: 10.1016/j.jecp.2014.09.005
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·         Perea, M., Jiménez, M., Talero, F., & López-Cañada, S. (2015). Letter-case information and the identification of brand names. British Journal of Psychology, 106, 162-173. DOI: 10.1111/bjop.12071
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·         Perea, M., Jiménez, M., Martín-Suesta, M., & Gómez, P. (2015). Letter position coding across modalities: Braille and sighted reading of sentences with jumbled words. Psychonomic Bulletin and Review, 22, 531–536. DOI: 10.3758/s13423-014-0680-8
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·         Soares, A.P., Machado, J., Costa, A., Iriarte, A., Simões, A., de Almeida, J.J., Comesaña, M., & Perea, M. (2015). On the advantages of word-frequency and contextual diversity measures extracted from subtitles: The case of Portuguese. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 68, 680-696. DOI: 10.1080/17470218.2014.964271
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·         García-Blanco, A, Salmerón, L., & Perea, M. (2015). Attentional capture by emotional scenes across episodes in bipolar disorder: Evidence from a free-viewing task. Biological Psychology, 108, 36-42. DOI: 10.1016/j.biopsycho.2015.03.010
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·         Jiménez, M., Perea, M., Suárez-Coalla, P., & Cuetos, F. (2015). Detección temprana de la dislexia mediante el reconocimiento de voces. Ciencia Cognitiva, 9:1, 14-17.
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·         Perea, M., Winskel, H., Abu Mallouh, R., Barnes, L., & Gomez, P. (2015). In defense of position uncertainty: A reply to Duñabeitia, Orihuela, and Carreiras. Psychological Science, 26, 545-547. DOI: 10.1177/0956797614566468
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·         Perea, M. (2015). Neighborhood effects in visual-word recognition and reading. In A. Pollatsek and R. Treiman (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook on Reading (pp. 76-87). New York: Oxford University Press. DOI: 10.1093/oxfordhb/9780199324576.013.7
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·         Vergara-Martínez, M., Gomez, P., Jiménez, M., & Perea, M. (2015). Lexical enhancement during prime-target integration: ERP evidence from matched-case identity priming. Cognitive, Affective, and Behavioral Neuroscience, 15, 492-504. DOI: 10.3758/s13415-014-0330-7
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·         Perea, M., Tejero, P., & Winskel, H. (2015). Can colours be used to segment words when reading? Acta Psychologica, 159, 8-13. DOI: 10.1016/j.actpsy.2015.05.005
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·         Perea, M., Vergara-Martínez, M., & Gomez, P. (2015). Resolving the locus of cAsE aLtErNaTiOn effects in visual word recognition: Evidence from masked priming. Cognition, 142, 39-43. DOI: 10.1016/j.cognition.2015.05.007
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·         Lupker, S. J., Perea, M., & Nakayama, M. (2015). Noncognate translation priming effects in the same-different task:  Evidence for the impact of “higher-level” information. Language, Cognition and Neuroscience, 30, 781–795. DOI: 10.1080/23273798.2015.1015430
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·         Perea, M., Marcet, A., Jiménez, M., & Tejero, P. (2015). Los colores como claves perceptivas durante la lectura. Ciencia Cognitiva, 9:2, 40-42.
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·         Perea, M., Marcet, A., & Gomez, P. (2015). ¿Por qué poedmos leer fácilmnete las paalbras con lertas trasnpuetsas? Ciencia Cognitiva, 9, 49-52.
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·         Lupker, S. J., Nakayama, M., & Perea, M. (2015). Is there phonologically-based priming in the same-different task?  Evidence from Japanese-English bilinguals. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 41, 1281-1299. DOI: 10.1037/xhp0000087
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·         Yakup, M., Abliz, W., Sereno, J., & Perea, M. (2015). Extending models of visual-word recognition to semicursive scripts: Evidence from masked priming in Uyghur. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 41, 1553-1562. DOI: 10.1037/xhp0000143
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·         Perea, M., Marcet, A., & Vergara-Martínez, M. (2016). Phonological-lexical feedback during early abstract encoding: The case of deaf readers. PLoS ONE, 11(1), e0146265. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0146265
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·         Perea, M., Marcet, A., & Gomez, P. (2016). How do Scrabble players encode letter position during reading? Psicothema, 28, 7-12. DOI: 10.7334/psicothema2015.167
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·         Perea, M., Marcet, A., Vergara-Martínez, M., & Gomez, P. (2016). On the dissociation of word/nonword repetition effects in lexical decision: An evidence accumulation account. Frontiers in Psychology. 7, 215. DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2016.00215
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·         Perea, M., Devis, E., Marcet, A., & Gomez, P. (2016). Are go/no-go tasks preferable to two-choice tasks in response time experiments with older adults? Journal of Cognitive Psychology, 28, 147-158. DOI: 10.1080/20445911.2015.1107077
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·         Perea, M., Gil-López, C., Beléndez, V., & Carreiras, M. (2016). Do handwritten words magnify lexical effects in visual-word recognition? Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 69, 1631–1647. DOI: 10.1080/17470218.2015.1091016
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·         Carreiras, M., Costa, A., Cuetos, F., Perea, M., & Sebastián-Gallés, N. (2016). Procesamiento del lenguaje. In M.T Bajo-Molina, L. J. Fuentes-Melero, J. Lupiáñez-Castillo, and M. R. Rueda-Cuerva (Eds.), Mente y cerebro: De la psicología experimental a la neurociencia cognitiva (pp. 301-322). Madrid: Alianza Editorial.

·         Perea, M., Giner, L., Marcet, A., & Gomez, P. (2016). Does extra interletter spacing help text reading in skilled adult readers? Spanish Journal of Psychology, 19, e26, 1–7. DOI: 10.1017/sjp.2016.28
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·        Marcet, A., Vergara-Martínez, M., & Perea, M. (2016). Buscando las claves de la lectura en personas sordas. Ciencia Cognitiva, 10:2, 36-39.
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·        Rosa, E., Perea, M., & Enneson, P. (2016). The role of letter features in visual-word recognition: Evidence from a delayed segment technique. Acta Psychologica, 169, 133–142. DOI: 10.1016/j.actpsy.2016.05.016
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·         Perea, M., Jiménez, M., & Gomez, P. (2016). Does location uncertainty in letter position coding emerge because of literacy training? Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 42, 996-1001. DOI: 10.1037/xlm0000208
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·         García-Orza, J., Comesaña, M., Piñeiro, A., Soares, A. P., & Perea, M. (2016). Is VIRTU4L larger than VIR7UAL? Automatic processing of number quantity and lexical representations in leet words. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 42, 855-865.DOI: 10.1037/xlm0000211
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·        García-Blanco, A., García-Blanco, M. C., Fernando, B., & Perea, M. (2016). Influence of computer feedback on attentional biases to emotional faces in children. Computers in Human Behavior, 64, 881-887. DOI: 10.1016/j.chb.2016.07.064
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·        Perea, M., Abu Mallouh, R., Mohammed, A., Khalifa, B., & Carreiras, M. (2016). Do diacritical marks play a role at the early stages of word recognition in Arabic? Frontiers in Psychology, 7, 1255. DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2016.01255
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·         Comesaña, M., Soares, A. P., Marcet, A., & Perea, M. (2016). On the nature of consonant/vowel differences in letter position coding: Evidence from developing and adult readers. British Journal of Psychology, 107, 651–674. DOI: 10.1111/bjop.12179
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·        Perea, M., Marcet, A., & Vergara-Martínez, M. (2016). Does top-down feedback modulate the encoding of orthographic representations during visual-word recognition? Experimental Psychology, 63, 278–286. DOI: 10.1027/1618-3169/a000327
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·        Marcet, A., Jiménez, M., & Perea, M. (2016). Why braille reading is important and how to study it. Culture and Education, 28, 811-825. DOI: 10.1080/11356405.2016.1230295
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·         García-Blanco, A. C., Yáñez, N., Vázquez, M. A., Marcos, I., & Perea, M. (2017). Modulation of attention by socio-emotional scenes in children with autism spectrum disorder. Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders, 33, 39–46. DOI: 10.1016/j.rasd.2016.11.002
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·         Gago, B., Perea, M., & García-Blanco, A. C. (2017). El papel de la información amenazante en el trastorno bipolar. Ciencia Cognitiva, 11:1, 9-13.
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·        Fraga, I., Padrón, I., Perea, M., & Comesaña, M. (2017). I saw this somewhere else: The Spanish Ambiguous Words (SAW) database. Lingua, 185, 1-10 . DOI: 10.1016/j.lingua.2016.07.002
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·        García-Blanco, A. C., López-Soler, C., Vento, M., García-Blanco, M. C., Gago, B., & Perea, M. (2017). Communication deficits and avoidance of angry faces in children with autism spectrum disorder. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 62, 218–226. DOI: 10.1016/j.ridd.2017.02.002
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·        Perea, M., Rosa, E., & Marcet, A. (2017). Where is the locus of the lowercase advantage during sentence reading? Acta Psychologica, 177, 30–35. DOI: 10.1016/j.actpsy.2017.04.007
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·         Vergara-Martínez, M., Comesaña, M., & Perea, M. (2017). The ERP signature of the contextual diversity effect in visual word recognition. Cognitive, Affective, and Behavioral Neuroscience, 17, 461-474. DOI: 10.3758/s13415-016-0491-7
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·         Marcet, A., & Perea, M. (2017). ¿Pueden los juegos mejorar la habilidad lectora? Ciencia Cognitiva, 11, 26-29.
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·         Rosa, E., Tapia, J. L., & Perea, M. (2017). Contextual diversity facilitates learning new words in the classroom. PLoS ONE, 12(6): e0179004. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0179004
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·         García-Blanco, A. C., Salmerón, L., & Perea, M. (2017). Inhibitory control for emotional and neutral scenes in competition: An eye-tracking study in bipolar disorder. Biological Psychology. 127, 82–88. DOI: 10.1016/j.biopsycho.2017.05.006
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·         Perea, M., Nakayama, M., & Lupker, S. J. (2017). Alternating-script priming in Japanese:  Are Katakana and Hiragana characters interchangeable? Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 43, 1140-1146. DOI: 10.1037/xlm0000365
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·         Marcet, A., & Perea, M. (2017). Is nevtral NEUTRAL? Visual similarity effects in the early phases of written-word recognition. Psychonomic Bulletin and Review, 24, 1180–1185. DOI:10.3758/s13423-016-1180-9
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·         Perea, M., & Wang, X. (2017). Do alternating-color words facilitate reading aloud text in Chinese? Evidence with developing and adult readers. Memory and Cognition, 45, 1160–1170. DOI: 10.3758/s13421-017-0717-0
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·         Gutiérrez-Sigut, E., Vergara-Martínez, M., & Perea, M. (2017). Early use of phonological codes in deaf readers: An ERP study. Neuropsychologia, 106, 261–279. DOI: 10.1016/j.neuropsychologia.2017.10.006
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·         Marcet, A., & Perea, M. (2017). ¿Comprarías ropa de DOLCE & BANANA? Similitud visual y percepción de marcas. Ciencia Cognitiva, 11:3, 67-70.
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·        Perea, M., Marcet, A., Uixera, B., & Vergara-Martínez, M. (2018). Eye movements when reading sentences with handwritten words. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 71, 20–27. DOI: 10.1080/17470218.2016.1237531
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·         Perea, M., Marcet, A., & Acha, J. (2018). Does consonant-vowel skeletal structure play a role early in lexical processing? Evidence from masked priming. Applied Psycholinguistics, 39, 169-186. DOI: 10.1017/S0142716417000431
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·         Lallier, M., Abu Mallouh, R., Mohammed, A. M., Khalifa, B., Perea, M., & Carreiras, M. (2018). Does the visual attention span play a role in reading in Arabic? Scientific Studies of Reading, 22, 181–190. DOI: 10.1080/10888438.2017.1421958
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·         Perea, M., Abu Mallouh, R., Mohammed, A., Khalifa, B., & Carreiras, M. (2018). Does visual letter similarity modulate masked form priming in young readers of Arabic? Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 169, 110–117. DOI: 10.1016/j.jecp.2017.12.004
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·         Gutiérrez-Sigut, E., Vergara, M., Marcet, A., & Perea, M. (2018). Automatic use of phonological codes during word recognition in deaf signers of Spanish Sign Language. Formal and Experimental Advances in Sign language Theory, 1, 1-15. DOI: 10.2436/20.8050.03.1
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·         Perea, M., Winskel, H., & Gomez, P. (2018). How orthographic-specific characteristics shape letter position coding: The case of Thai script. Psychonomic Bulletin and Review, 25, 416–422. DOI: 10.3758/s13423-017-1279-7
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·         Winskel, H., Ratitamkul, T., & Perea, M. (2018). Can the first letter advantage be shaped by script-specific characteristics? Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, & Cognition, 44, 493-500.  DOI: 10.1037/xlm0000434
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·         Perea, M., Marcet, A., & Vergara-Martínez, M. (2018). Are you taking the fastest route to the RESTAURANT? The role of the usual letter-case configuration of words in lexical decision. Experimental Psychology, 65, 98-104. DOI: 10.1027/1618-3169/a000391
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·         Marcet, A., & Perea, M. (2018). Can I order a burger at Visual similarity effects of multi-letter combinations at the early stages of word recognition. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, & Cognition, 44, 699-706. DOI: 10.1037/xlm0000477
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·         Roldán, M., Marcet, A., & Perea, M. (2018). Is there a cost at encoding words with joined letters during visual word recognition? Psicológica, 39, 279-291. DOI: 10.2478/psicolj-2018-0012
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·         Winskel, H., & Perea, M. (2018). Do the characteristics of the script influence responses to mirror letters? In N. Mani, R. K. Mishra, & F. Huettig (Eds), The Interactive mind: Language, Vision and Attention (pp. 41-46). Basingstoke: Macmillan.

·         Soares, A. P., Iriarte, A., de Almeida, J. J., Simões, A., Costa, A., Machado, J., França, P., Comesaña, M., Rauber, A., Rato, A., & Perea, M. (2018). Procura-PALavras (P-PAL): A web-based interface for a new European Portuguese lexical database. Behavior Research Methods, 50, 1461-1481. DOI: 10.3758/s13428-016-0767-4
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·         Marcet, A., & Perea, M. (2018). Visual letter similarity effects during sentence reading: Evidence from the boundary technique. Acta Psychologica, 190, 142–149. DOI: 10.1016/j.actpsy.2018.08.007
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·         Perea, M., Marcet, A., Lozano, M., & Gomez, P. (2018). Is masked priming modulated by memory load? A test of the automaticity of masked identity priming in lexical decision. Memory and Cognition, 46, 1127–1135. DOI: 10.3758/s13421-018-0825-5
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·         Perea, M., Marcet, A., & Fernández-López, M. (2018). Does letter rotation slow down orthographic processing in word recognition? Psychonomic Bulletin and Review, 25, 2295–2300. DOI: 10.3758/s13423-017-1428-z
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·         Marcet, A., Perea, M., & Fernández-López, M. (2018). ¿Podemos agilizar la lectura en aprendices de chino? Ciencia Cognitiva, 12:3, 70-73.
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·         Gago, B., Perea, M., Sierra, P., Livianos, L., Cañada-Martínez, A., & García-Blanco, A. (2019). Do affective episodes modulate moral judgment in individuals with bipolar disorder? Journal of Affective Disorders. 245, 289–296. DOI: 10.1016/j.jad.2018.11.067
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·         Fernández-López, M., & Perea, M. (2019). The bilingualism wars: Is the bilingual advantage out of (executive) control? Psicológica, 40, 26-33. DOI: 10.2478/psicolj-2019-0002
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·         Soares, A. P., Lages, A., Silva, A., Comesaña, M, Sousa, I, Pinheiro, A. P., & Perea, M. (2019). Psycholinguistic variables in visual word recognition and pronunciation of European Portuguese words: A mega-study approach. Language, Cognition, and Neuroscience, 34, 689-719. DOI: 10.1080/23273798.2019.1578395
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·         Ghosn, F., Perea, M., Castelló, J., Vázquez, M. A., Yáñez, N., Marcos, I., Sahuquillo, R., Vento, M., & García-Blanco, A. C. (2019). Attentional patterns to emotional faces versus scenes in children with autism spectrum disorders. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 49, 1484–1492. DOI: 10.1007/s10803-018-3847-8
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·         Marcet, A., Perea, M., Baciero, A., & Gomez, P. (2019). Can letter position encoding be modified by visual perceptual elements? Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 72, 1344–1353. DOI: 10.1177/1747021818789876
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·         Fernández-López, M., & Perea, M. (2019). ¿Qué hace aumentar la credibilidad en noticias falseadas? Ciencia Cognitiva, 13, 44-46.
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·         Fernández-López, M., Marcet, A., & Perea, M. (2019). Can response congruency effects be obtained in masked priming lexical decision? Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 45, 1683–1702. DOI: 10.1037/xlm0000666
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·         Baciero, A., Perea, M., & Gomez, P. (2019). Touching your words: Why braille reading is special. Ciencia Cognitiva, 13, 54-57.
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·         Gutiérrez-Sigut, E., Vergara-Martínez, M, & Perea, M. (2019). Deaf readers benefit from lexical feedback during orthographic processing. Scientific Reports, 9, 12321. DOI:10.1038/s41598-019-48702-3
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·         Rocabado, F., Rosa, E., Tapia, J.L., & Perea, M. (2019). Cómo conseguir mejorar el aprendizaje de palabras. Ciencia Cognitiva, 13 (3), 81-84.
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·         Gutiérrez-Sigut, E., Marcet, A., & Perea, M. (2019). Tracking the time course of letter visual-similarity effects during word recognition: A masked priming ERP investigation. Cognitive, Affective, and Behavioral Neuroscience, 19, 966–984. DOI: 10.3758/s13415-019-00696-1
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·         Perea, M., Marcet, A., Vergara-Martínez, M., & Gomez, P. (2020). On the limits of familiarity accounts in lexical decision: The case of repetition effects. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 73, 375–383. DOI: 10.1177/1747021819878385
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·         Perea, M., Fernández-López, M., & Marcet, A. (2020). Does CaSe-MiXinG disrupt the access to lexico-semantic information? Psychological Research. 84, 981–989. DOI: 10.1007/s00426-018-1111-7
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·         Perea, M., Vergara-Martínez, M., Marcet, A., Abu Mallouh, R., & Fernández-López, M. (2020). When does rotation disrupt letter encoding? Testing the resilience of letter detectors in the initial moments of processing. Memory & Cognition, 48, 704–709. DOI: 10.3758/s13421-020-01013-9
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·         Rosa, E., Vergara-Martínez, M., Gutiérrez-Sigut, E., & Perea, M. (2020). El aprendizaje de lenguas mediante realidad virtual. Ciencia Cognitiva, 14(2), 46-48.
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·         Vergara-Martínez, M., Perea, M., & Leone-Fernandez, B. (2020). The time course of the lowercase advantage in visual word recognition: An ERP investigation. Neuropsychologia, 146, 107556. DOI: 10.1016/j.neuropsychologia.2020.107556
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·         Fernández-López, M., & Perea, M. (2020). Language does not modulate fake news credibility, but emotion does. Psicológica, 41, 84-102. DOI: 10.2478/psicolj-2020-0005
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·         Marcet, A., Ghukasyan, H., Fernández-López, M., & Perea, M. (2020). Jalapeno or Jalapeño: Do diacritics in consonant letters modulate visual similarity effects during word recognition? Applied Psycholinguistics, 41, 579–593. DOI: 10.1017/S0142716420000090
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·         Gomez, P., & Perea, M. (2020). Masked identity priming reflects an encoding advantage in developing readers. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 199, 104911. DOI: 10.1016/j.jecp.2020.104911
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·         Perea, M., Fernández-López, M., & Marcet, A. (2020). What is the letter é? Scientific Studies of Reading, 24, 434–443. DOI: 10.1080/10888438.2019.1689570
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·         Salmerón, S., Arfé, B., Ávila, V., Cerdán, R., de Sixte, R., Delgado, P., … Perea, M. (2020). READ-COGvid: A database from reading and media habits during COVID-19 confinement in Spain and Italy. Frontiers in Psychology, 11, 575241. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2020.575241
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·         Fernández-López, M., Marcet, A., & Perea, M. (2020). ¿Cuátna prátcica letcora hace fatla praa que poadmos leer palbraas con lertas trasnpuetsas? Ciencia Cognitiva, 14(3), 68-71.
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·         Boudelaa, S., Perea, M., & Carreiras, M. (2020). Matrices of the Frequency and Similarity of Arabic Letters and Allographs. Behavior Research Methods, 52, 1893–1905. DOI: 0.3758/s13428-020-01353-z
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·         Vergara-Martínez, M., Gomez, P., & Perea, M. (2020). Should I stay or should I go? An ERP analysis of two-choice versus go/no-go response procedures in lexical decision. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 46, 2034-2048. DOI: 10.1037/xlm0000942
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·         Tárrega, J., Perea, M., Rojo-Bofill, L. M., Moreno-Giménez, A., Almansa-Tomás, B., Vento, M., García-Blanco, A. (2021). Do children with overweight respond faster to food-related words? Appetite, 161, 105134. DOI: 10.1016/j.appet.2021.105134
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·         Navalón, P., Serrano, E., Almansa, B., Perea, M., Benavent, P., Domínguez, A., Sierra. P., Cañada,Y., & García-Blanco, A. (2021). Attentional Biases to Emotional Scenes in Schizophrenia: An Eye-Tracking Study. Biological Psychology, 160, 108045. DOI: 10.1016/j.biopsycho.2021.108045
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·         Marcet, A., Fernández-López, M., Perea, M., & Baciero, A. (2021). ¿Son necesarios los acentos gráficos en español o es tiempo de jubilarlos? Ciencia Cognitiva, 15(1), 4-6.
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·         Gomez, P., Breithaupt, J., Perea, M., & Rouder, J. N. (2021). Are divergence point analyses suitable for response time data? Behavior Research Methods, 53, 49–58. DOI: 10.3758/s13428-020-01424-1
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·         Perea, M., Baciero, A., Marcet, A., Fernández-López, M., & Gómez, P. (2021). Do grading gray stimuli help to encode letter position? Vision, 5(1), 12. DOI: 10.3390/vision5010012
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·         Fernández-López, M., Marcet, A., & Perea, M. (2021). Does orthographic processing emerge rapidly after learning a new script? British Journal of Psychology, 112, 52–91. DOI: 10.1111/BJOP.12469
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·         Yang, H., Jared, D., Perea, M., & Lupker, S. J. (2021). Is letter position coding when reading in L2 affected by the nature of position coding used when bilinguals read in their L1? Memory & Cognition, 49, 771–786. DOI: 10.3758/s13421-020-01126-1
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·         Perea, M., Baciero, A., Rocabado, F., & Marcet, A. (2021). Does the cowl make the monk? Detecting counterfeits in brand names versus logos. Psychonomic Bulletin and Review, 28, 969–977. DOI: 10.3758/s13423-020-01863-z
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·         Baciero, A., Labusch, M., Rocabado, F., Perea, M., & Marcet, A. (2021). ¿Por qué es tan fácil falsificar un logo? Ciencia Cognitiva, 15(2), 24-27.
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·         Vergara-Martínez, M., Gutierrez-Sigut, E., Perea, M., Gil-López, C., & Carreiras, M. (2021). The time course of processing handwritten words: An ERP investigation. Neuropsychologia, 159, 107924. DOI: 10.1016/j.neuropsychologia.2021.107924
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·         Fernández-López, M., Gómez, P., & Perea, M. (2021). Which factors modulate letter position coding in pre-literate children? Frontiers in Psychology, 12, 708274. DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2021.708274
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·         Perea, M., Baciero, A., & Marcet, A. (2021). Does a mark make a difference? Visual similarity effects with accented vowels. Psychological Research, 85, 2279–2290. DOI: 10.1007/s00426-020-01405-1
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·         Gómez, P., Marcet, A., & Perea, M. (2021). Are better young readers more likely to confuse their mother with their mohter? Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 74, 1542-1552. DOI: 10.1177/17470218211012960
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·         Navalón, P., Perea, M., Benavent, P., Sierra, P., Domínguez, A., Iranzo, C., Serrano-Lozano, E., Almansa, B., García-Blanco, A. (2021). Attentional processing biases to threat in schizophrenia: Evidence from a free-viewing task with emotional scenes. Journal of Psychiatric Research, 144, 80–86. DOI: 10.1016/j.jpsychires.2021.09.044
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·         Marcet, A., Fernández-López, M., Labusch, M., & Perea, M. (2021). The omission of accent marks does not hinder word recognition: Evidence from Spanish. Frontiers in Psychology, 12, 794923. DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2021.794923
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·         Fernández-López, M., Marcet, A., & Perea, M. (2021). ¿Eliminamos el acento gráfico? The Conversation, 16 December 2021, 21:29 CET, Education.
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·         Fernández-López, M., Mirault, J., Grainger, J., & Perea, M. (2021). How resilient is reading to letter rotations? A parafoveal preview investigation. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 47, 2029–2042. DOI: 10.1037/xlm0000999
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·         Gutierrez-Sigut, E., Vergara-Martínez, M., & Perea, M. (2022). The impact of visual cues during visual word recognition in deaf readers: An ERP study. Cognition, 218, 104938. DOI: 10.1016/j.cognition.2021.104938
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·         Marcet, A., & Perea, M. (2022). Does omitting the accent mark in a word affect sentence reading? Evidence from Spanish. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 75, 148–155. DOI: 10.1177/17470218211044694
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·         Rosa, E., Salom, R., & Perea, M. (2022). Contextual diversity favors the learning of new words in children regardless of their comprehension skills. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 214, 105312. DOI: 10.1016/j.jecp.2021.105312
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·         Gago, B., Perea, M., Livianos, L., Sierra, P., & García-Blanco, A. (2022). The effects of reward and frustration in patients with bipolar disorder: Evidence from a computerized task with non-contingent feedback. Journal of Affective Disorders, 98, 69-79. DOI: 10.1016/j.jad.2021.10.067
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·         Marcet, A., Fernández-López, M., Baciero, A., Sesé, A., & Perea, M. (2022). What are the letters e and é in a language with vowel reduction? The case of Catalan. Applied Psycholinguistics, 43, 193–210. DOI: 10.1017/S0142716421000497
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·         Tapia, J.L., Rosa, E., Rocabado, F., Vergara-Martínez, M. & Perea, M. (2022). Does narrator variability facilitate incidental word learning in the classroom? Memory & Cognition, 50, 278–295. DOI: 10.3758/s13421-021-01228-4
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·         Labusch, M., Kotz, S. A., & Perea, M. (2022). The impact of capitalized German words on lexical access. Psychological Research, 86, 891–902. DOI: 10.1007/s00426-021-01540-3
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·         Perea, M., Labusch, M, & Marcet, A. (2022). How are words with diacritical vowels represented in the mental lexicon? Evidence from Spanish and German. Language, Cognition, and Neuroscience, 37, 457–468. DOI: 10.1080/23273798.2021.1985536
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·         Fernández-López, M., Perea, M., & Vergara-Martínez, M. (2022). On the time course of the tolerance of letter detectors to rotations: A masked priming ERP investigation. Neuropsychology, 172, 108259. DOI: 10.1016/j.neuropsychologia.2022.108259
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·         Gago, B., Perea, M., Livianos, L., Sierra, P., & García-Blanco, P. (2022). Attentional processing of threat in bipolar disorder: Going beyond mood-congruency. Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment, 44, 396–404. DOI: 10.1007/s10862-021-09905-z
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·         Fernández-López, M., Davis, C. J., Perea, M., Marcet, A., & Gómez, P. (2022). Unveiling the boost in the sandwich priming technique. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 75, 1382–1393. DOI: 10.1177/17470218211055097
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·         Perea M., Baciero, A., Labusch, M., Fernández-López, M., & Marcet, A. (2022). Are brand names special words? Letter visual-similarity affects the identification of brand names, but not common words. British Journal of Psychology, 113, 835–852. DOI: 10.1111/bjop.12557
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·         Planchuelo, C., Baciero, A., Hinojosa, J A., Perea, M., & Duñabeitia, J.A. (2022). Social context effects on emotional language: The influence of the COVID-19 pandemic on the emotional evaluation of words. Acta Psychologica, 229, 103686. DOI: 10.1016/j.actpsy.2022.103686
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·         Winskel, H., & Perea, M. (2022). Mirror-image discrimination in monoliterate English and Thai readers: Reading with and without mirror letters. Journal of Cultural Cognitive Science, 6, 169–177. DOI: 10.1007/s41809-021-00090-9
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·         Labusch, M., Gómez, P., & Perea, M. (2022). Does adding an accent mark hinder lexical access? Evidence from Spanish. Journal of Cultural Cognitive Science, 6, 219–228. DOI: 10.1007/s41809-022-00104-0
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·         Marcet, A., Labusch, M., Perea, M., Gómez, P., & Fernández-López, M. (2022). Una rosa es una RÓSA. Ciencia Cognitiva, 16(3), 65-67.
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·         Marcet, A., Moreno, V., Rodríguez-Gonzalo, C., & Perea, M. (2022). The use of commas in secondary-education students and its relationship with reading comprehension: The case of Spanish. Brain Sciences, 12, 1564. DOI: 10.3390/brainsci12111564
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·         Baciero, A., Gómez, P., Duñabeitia, J. A., & Perea, M. (2022). Raeding with the fingres. Towards a universal model of letter position coding. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 29, 2275–2283. DOI: 10.3758/s13423-022-02078-0
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·         Fournet, C., Mirault, J., Perea, M., & Grainger, J. (2022). Effects of letter case on processing sequences of written words. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 48, 1995–2003. DOI: 10.1037/xlm0001179
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·         Gutierrez-Sigut, E., Vergara-Martínez, M., & Perea, M. (2022). Reconocimiento de palabras y lectura en personas sordas: Una visión desde la neurociencia cognitiva. In A. B. Dominguez Gutiérrez, M. Valmaseda, and C. Velasco Alonso (Eds), Tendencias actuales en la investigación en lenguaje escrito y sordera (pp. 63-86). Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca.

·         Perea, M., Hyönä, J., & Marcet, A. (2022). Does vowel harmony affect visual word recognition? Evidence from Finnish. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 48, 2004–2014. DOI: 10.1037/xlm0000907
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·         Fernández-López, M., Gomez, P., & Perea, M. (2023). Letter rotations: Through the magnifying glass and what evidence found there. Language, Cognition, and Neuroscience, 38, 127-138. DOI: 10.1080/23273798.2022.2093390
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·         Vergara-Martínez, M., Fernández-López, M., & Perea, M. (2023). Perceptual contiguity does not modulate matched-case identity priming effects in lexical decision. Brain Sciences, 13, 336. DOI: 10.3390/brainsci13020336
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·         Angele, B., Baciero, A., Gómez, P., & Perea, M. (2023). Does online masked priming pass the test? The effects of prime exposure duration on masked identity priming. Behavior Research Methods, 55, 151–167. DOI: 10.3758/s13428-021-01742-y
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·         Perea M., Gómez, P., & Baciero, A. (2023). Do diacritics entail an early processing cost in the absence of abstract representations? Evidence from masked priming in English. Language and Speech, 66, 105–117. DOI: 10.1177/00238309221078321
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·         Fernández-López, M., Marcet, A., & Perea M. (2023). Investigating the role of response codes in masked priming lexical decision tasks: The case of repeated presentations. Brain Sciences, 13, 452. DOI: 10.3390/brainsci13030452
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·         Labusch, M., Massol, S., Marcet, A., & Perea, M. (2023). Are goats chèvres, chévres, chēvres, and chevres? Unveiling the orthographic code of diacritical vowels. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 49, 301–319. DOI: 10.1037/xlm0001212
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·         Gu, J., Zhou, J., Bao, Y., Liu, J., Perea, M., & Li, X. (2023). The effect of transposed-character distance in Chinese reading. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 49, 464–476. DOI: 10.1037/xlm0001180
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·         Duñabeitia, J. A., Perea, M., & Labusch, M. (2023). Rëâdīńg wõrdš wîth ōrńåmêńtš: Is there a cost? Frontiers in Psychology, 14, 1168471.DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2023.1168471
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·         Fernández-López, M., Perea, M., & Marcet, A. (2023). Breaking the boundaries: The power of ligatures in visual-word recognition. Frontiers in Psychology, 14, 1166192. DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2023.1166192
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·         Romero-Ortells, I., & Perea, M. (2023). Creaciones artísticas humanas o de una IA: ¿qué preferimos? Ciencia Cognitiva, 17(1), 20-23.
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·         Baciero, A., Perea, M., Duñabeitia, J. A., & Gómez, P. (2023). TouchScope: A passive-haptic device to investigate tactile perception using a refreshable braille display. Journal of Cognition, 6(1): 21, pp. 1–10. DOI: 10.5334/joc.271
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·         Perea, M., Marcet, A., Labusch, M., Baciero, A., & Fernández-López, M. (2023). Computational models, educational implications, and methodological innovations: The realm of visual word recognition. Psicológica, 44(2), e15259. DOI: 10.20350/digitalCSIC/15259
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·         Perea, M., Marcet, A., Baciero, A., & Gómez, P. (2023). Reading about a RELO-VUTION. Psychological Research, 87, 1306–1321. DOI:10.1007/s00426-022-01720-9
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·         Baciero, A., Gómez, P., Duñabeitia, J. A., & Perea, M. (2023). Letter-similarity effects in braille word recognition. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 76, 1632–1640 DOI: 10.1177/17470218221142145
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·         Ghosn, F., Perea, M., Sahuquillo-Leal, R., Moreno-Giménez, A., Almansa, B., Navalón, P., Vento, M, & García-Blanco, A. (2023). The Effects of Reward and Frustration on the Task Performance of Autistic Children and Adolescents. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 140, 104567. DOI: 10.1016/j.ridd.2023.104567
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·         Fournet, C., Mirault, J., Perea, M., & Grainger, J. (2023). Effects of alternating letter case on processing sequences of written words. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 76, 2346–2355. DOI: 10.1177/17470218231156604
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·         Benyhe, A., Labusch, M., & Perea, M. (2023). Just a mark: Diacritic function does not play a role in the early stages of visual word recognition. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 30, 1530–1538. DOI: 10.3758/s13423-022-02244-4
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·         Perea, M., Romero-Ortells, I., Labusch, M., Fernández-López, M., & Marcet, A. (2023). Examining Letter Detector Tolerance through Offset Letter Halves: Evidence from Lexical Decision. Journal of Cognition, 6(1), 56. DOI: 10.5334/joc.322
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·         Acha, J., Rodríguez, N., & Perea, M. (2023). The role of letter knowledge acquisition ability on children’s decoding and word identification: Evidence from an artificial orthography. Journal of Research in Reading, 46, 358–375. DOI: 10.1111/1467-9817.12432
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·         Rocabado, F., Perea, M., & Duñabeitia, J. A. (2023). Misspelled logotypes: The hidden threat to brand identity. Scientific Reports, 13, 17817. DOI: 10.1038/s41598-023-45213-0
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·         Velasco, C., Labusch, M., & Perea, M. (2023). Why are brand names vulnerable to counterfeits? BI Business Review, 30 November 2023, Marketing and Consumers
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·         Fernández-López, M., & Perea, M. (2023). A letter is a letter and its co-occurrences: Cracking the emergence of position-invariance processing. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 30, 2328–2337. DOI: 10.3758/s13423-023-02265-7
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·         Fournet, C., Cauchi, C., Perea, M., & Grainger, J. (2023). Constraints on integration of orthographic information across multiple stimuli: Effects of contiguity, eccentricity, and attentional span. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 85, 2065–2082. DOI: 10.3758/s13414-023-02758-6
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·         Perea, M., Labusch, M., Fernández-López, M., Marcet, A., Gutierrez-Sigut, E., & Gómez, P.  (2024). One more trip to Barcetona: On the special status of visual similarity in city names. Psychological Research, 88, 271–283. DOI: 10.1007/s00426-023-01839-3
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·         Labusch, M., Perea, M., Sahuquillo-Leal, R., Bofill-Moscardó, I., Carrasco-Tornero, A., Cañada-Pérez, A., & García-Blanco, A. (2024). Development of moral judgments in impersonal and personal dilemmas in Autistic Spectrum Disorders from childhood to late adolescence. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 54, 691–703. DOI: 10.1007/s10803-022-05795-6
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·         Acha, J., Ibaibarriaga, G., Rodríguez, N., & Perea, M. (2024). Lexical and sublexical skills in children´s literacy. Journal of Literacy Research, 56, 6–26. DOI: 10.1177/1086296X241226476
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·         Lázaro, M., Ripoll, J. C., Ferrero, M., Suárez-Coalla, P., Saldaña, D., Perea, M., & Acha, J. (2024). Atención a las personas con dislexia en la formación universitaria: recomendaciones para la gestión institucional y la práctica docente. Revista de Investigación en Logopedia 14(1), e93726. DOI: 10.5209/rlog.93726
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·         Angele, B., Gutiérrez-Cordero, I., Perea, M., & Marcet, A. (2024). Reading(,) with and without commas. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 77, 1190-1200. DOI: 10.1177/17470218231200338
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·         Allbritton, A., Gómez, P., Angele, B., Vasilev. V., & Perea, M (2024). Breathing Life into Meta-Analytic Methods. Journal of Cognition, 7, 61. DOI: 10.5334/joc.389
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·         Sahuquillo-Leal, R., Perea, M., Moreno-Giménez, A., Salmerón, L., Pons, D., Vento, M., & García-Blanco (in press). Emotional face processing in Autism Spectrum Condition: a study of attentional orienting and inhibitory control. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders. DOI: 10.1007/s10803-023-06200-6
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·         AlJassmi, M. A. & Perea, M. (in press). Visual similarity effects in the identification of Arabic letters: Evidence with masked priming. Language and Cognition. DOI: 10.1017/langcog.2024.20
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·         Labusch, M., Duñabeitia, J. A., & Perea, M. (in press). Visual word identification beyond common words: The role of font and letter case in brand names. Memory and Cognition. DOI: 10.3758/s13421-024-01570-3
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·         Esteve, D., Perea, M., Angele, A., Kuperman, V., & Drieghe, D. (in press). Individual Differences in Word Skipping During Reading in English as L2. Psychonomic Bulletin and Review. DOI: 10.3758/s13423-024-02529-w
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·         Romero-Ortells, I., Baciero, A., Marcet, A., Perea, M., & Gómez, P. (in press). A stringent test of visuospatial position uncertainty accounts of letter position coding. Language, Cognition, and Neuroscience. DOI: 10.1080/23273798.2024.2384045
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Breves instrucciones SPSS


Estadísticos descriptivos con R


ANOVAs con el lenguaje R (para Linux y Windows)


Intervalos de confianza para la media en internet con el lenguaje R


Muestra/Sample APA (7ª edición/7th edition) estudiantes/students





Primer Parcial


Ejercicios y entregas/prácticas


Ejemplo Percentiles

Ejemplo Variables Cualitativas

Ejemplo Probabilidad

Bondad de ajuste y chi-cuadrado

Práctica 1, Informe_SPSS (resuelto)

Práctica 2 (resuelto)

Práctica 3 (resuelto)

Práctica 4 (resuelto)

Práctica 5 (resuelto)

Práctica 6 (resuelto)

Práctica 7 (resuelto)

Práctica 8 (resuelto)

Práctica 9 (resuelto)

Práctica 10 (resuelto)

Práctica 11 (resuelto)

Práctica 12 (resuelto)

Ejercicios de cursos anteriores

Primer ejercicio, octubre 2012 (resuelto)

Segundo ejercicio, octubre 2012 (resuelto)

Primer ejercicio, noviembre 2012 (resuelto)

Segundo ejercicio, noviembre 2012 (resuelto)

Tercer ejercicio, noviembre 2012 (resuelto)

Primer ejercicio, diciembre 2012 (resuelto)

Segundo ejercicio, diciembre 2012 (resuelto)

Actividad complementaria de la primera entrega

Otros ejercicios de cursos anteriores

primer_ejercicio (resuelto)

segundo_ejercicio (resuelto)

tercer_ejercicio (resuelto)

cuarto_ejercicio (resuelto)

quinto ejercicio (resuelto)

correlación/regresión simple (clase)

correlación/regresión múltiple (clase)

ejercicios relación de var.cualitativa y de probabilidad (resueltos)


Last updated: 29 December 2022